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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

The Future of User-Friendly ECM is Here with the Powerful 2021 M-Files Web Client

Does it take way too long for your organization to adopt an ECM system? You are not alone. Many organizations face humongous implementation projects with the added complication of data migration before they can actually realize real benefits from their ECM investment. Any software solution only brings value if end users embrace it and adapt it to their daily routines. And the users will be happy to adapt only when the solution is easy to learn and use.

How to Deliver Great Customer Service in 8 Steps

The principles for delivering good customer service are simple. You need to be customer-focused, fast, and a true product expert. But how do you deliver great customer service and create the kind of customer experience people will rave about? Excellent customer service requires you to create seamless, intuitive, personalized, and consistent customer experiences each time.

5 surprising reasons why folks at Freshworks love the night shift

Your day has just started. You scroll through Instagram and see that someone has baked banana bread. Again. You notice your laundry bag overflowing with pajamas of different colors. You put the thought away and log in to your team meeting. You turn on the video for your Zoom call. Right then, your pet decides to make an entry and sit right on your keypad. Your team hollers while you chase her away. Amidst various distractions, the meeting goes on. Soon, you get busy with your tasks for the day.

Elasticsearch users with on-prem deployments will not be impacted by upcoming license changes

Earlier this month, Elastic announced that there would be upcoming changes to its open source licensing. These changes do not affect on-prem deployments of Elasticsearch. Since Mattermost Enterprise Edition uses Elasticsearch in its on-prem deployments, we felt it important to explore the reasoning behind Elastic’s decision, how the new license terms are different, and why there will be no impact on Mattermost users as a result of these changes.

Whose data is it anyway? - Troop Messenger

When signing up on a social media platform or installing an app, do you take even a couple of minutes to think what information is being asked for? Do you feel comfortable sharing your location, contacts and photos, or agreeing to the terms & conditions? How much of your personal information do you give away with that single click, and do you know who is benefiting from it?

How an ERP IT & Dev Agency uses OneDesk for its workflows

Agencies are all about their clients and customers. Providing good service and support is the foundation of the experience of working with an agency. This puts pressure on the agencies to be on top of their work, no matter how many customers they have and how much work is being requested of them. At times, agency work can be chaotic, and so having some solid software and tooling can make a world of difference in terms of management.

The Ultimate Guide to Project Collaboration

Collaborating on a project means getting your entire team to work together to make sure it gets delivered. Sounds pretty simple, right? Not so fast—because it’s easier said than done. Project collaboration takes work. You need to get your team on the same page, and you must also make sure that everybody working on the project has the capacity, skillset, and tools to work together and deliver the project.

Twitch Notifications (Part Two): How to Send Notifications When Your Twitch Stream Goes Live

In this series, I explain how to use Twitch EventSub and Courier to automatically send notifications to multiple destinations – Slack, Discord, and more – when your Twitch stream goes live. In part one, we built a Node.js app using Express.js to accept events from Twitch EventSub. Now, in part two, we’re going to listen for our event and trigger a notification using Courier.