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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Startup studio INVANTI turns to Miro to groom entrepreneurs in the heartland

When most people think of startup incubators, they probably imagine famous hubs for startups like Silicon Valley, Seattle, and Austin. The small team at INVANTI is trying to change that paradigm and cultivate entrepreneurs from their startup studio in South Bend, Indiana.

4 Reasons SaaS Users Love Online User Communities (and Why You'll Love the M-Files Community)

M-Files is launching a new online user community on March 15. In the weeks prior to launch, it's a good time to take a step back and consider online user communities in general. What do they do? What needs do they serve? And why are they so important for SaaS success? It used to be that technology adoption was viewed as a relatively simple transaction — with a clear start and end. Decide what software you need. Buy it. Learn how to use it. Done.

Streamlining developer access to Prometheus and Grafana

Our Makefile entry point for developing against the Mattermost Server already tries to simplify things for developers as much as possible. For example, when invoking make run-server, this build tooling takes care of all of the following (among other things!).

OneDesk - Webforms: Creation, Customization & Embedding

Webforms are used to collect information from your customers and translate that information into items in OneDesk. Through webforms, you allow your customers to create different item types in the OneDesk application.  OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal.

Where to Find the Answer to All of Your M-Files Questions: The M-Files Community

On March 15th, we're launching the M-Files Community — a place where customers, admins, partners and M-Files employees can discuss all things M-Files. Whether it's a technical question, best practices or just a nickel's worth of free advice, the M-Files Community will (1) establish a sense of connection within the global M-Files community, (2) facilitate self-service, and (3) help us gather feedback from M-Files users about the product. Join us with Julian Cook, M-Files Chief Customer Officer, and Jocelyn Flint, Global Community Manager for a quick explanation of the purpose, roadmap and expectations of the M-Files Community.

How to authentically embody corporate social responsibility

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) originated with companies having to clean up after their mistakes. “It was born from when a company polluted a river, their corporate social responsibility program was how they offset that damage,” says Tiffany Apczynski, Zendesk’s former vice president of Public Policy and Social Impact. Today, companies are expected to take more proactive stances and resulting actions and to lead the way on important issues.

What pop culture reveals about our desire for cream-of-the-crop CX

Customer Experience (CX) encompasses the entire cycle of a buyer’s journey that includes anticipation, discovery, and the fulfillment of desire. Technology and digital platforms have opened up new avenues for us to connect with commodities that fulfill our desires, and food certainly is one of them.

Introducing Zendesk and Freshdesk

In this article, we’ll compare Zendesk with Freshdesk to find out which is the right customer support tool for you. We’ll compare these tools based on: By the end of the article, you’ll not only know all of the main differences between Zendesk and Freshdesk, but you’ll know which is the right tool for you. Let’s get started.

Zendesk messaging: Customer service in a digital-first world

Even before the virus forced us all inside and online, messaging was taking over the world. It’s how many of us shared news, collaborated with colleagues, and — most importantly — kept in touch with friends and family. As with all things digital, the pandemic simply accelerated the inevitable. It also showed us that messaging was made for customer service. Customers are reaching out for help more than ever before, and messaging is their channel of choice.