The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
Uber, Samsung, United States Armed Forces, TADHack, W3F, and UpCloud - World’s leading companies are using either Mattermost, Riot, or Matrix to give their teams the ‘best-ever’ virtual workplace experience.
You may want to have your customers be automatically logged in to your OneDesk customer apps whenever they are on your site and authenticated with your own systems. This post will show you how to set that up using Azure as the identity provider, but the same idea will apply for any provider that supports OpenID Connect.
Gone are the days of the clichéd three-martini sales lunch. While a boozy meal and a handshake were once the highwater mark for salesmanship in decades past, modern companies must navigate complex sales cycles spanning multiple channels with engagement from cross-functional teams. The stakes are high for companies that want to give customers a seamless and satisfying experience across the channels that are most important to them.
If you’ve spent more than a week in the business world, you’ve no doubt heard the term ROI, or return on investment. Essentially, it’s a way to measure the value, or impact, of money spent. With the need for making data-driven decisions a cornerstone of successful businesses, tracking the ROI identifies unsuccessful strategies and validates successful ones. For most business units measuring ROI can be straightforward.
Managing remote field teams from your desk as a helpdesk agent or service dispatcher can be hard. Communication can be difficult between teams, misunderstandings are common and getting everyone – both helpdesk agents and field technicians – on the same page regarding customer issues can be very hard. When we studied field service providers and their workflows, we found that they often ran into these three problems.
In OneDesk you will find yourself frequently discussing tickets and tasks. Sometimes this conversation will be on the actual item, but often you will want to refer to a different one. For these cases OneDesk has a great feature which allows you to quickly create a link when inside a conversation.
The December 2019 release of OneDesk added the ability to use the @ symbol in conversations in OneDesk. Most of you will be familiar with this type of method to message people from other apps. This article will cover some of the details of how it works in OneDesk.