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Workload Management: Proven Strategies for Maximizing Team Performance

Project scheduling is a tricky task across industries. From product design to customer support, operational bottlenecks are inevitable. However, this becomes detrimental with inefficient task delegation, overwhelming your team. A burnt-out workforce reduces productivity, resulting in failed or sub-par project delivery. While some employees are overworked, others don’t have enough duties.

Microsoft Teams File Sharing and Collaboration: An Essential Guide

Since debuting in 2017, Microsoft Teams has taken the lead as a collaborative work platform for professionals. It covers a wide array of industries and occupations, with over 270 million active daily users as of 2022. Aside from its function as an easy-to-use communications platform, one of the most notable features driving its success is the option to share and edit files quickly and easily.

Boost Productivity with MS Teams Kanban Integration

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying organized and streamlining workflow is crucial for enhancing productivity. Microsoft Teams has become a go-to collaboration platform for teams across the globe. To further enhance its functionality and productivity, the integration of the Virto Kanban Board app can work wonders. This article will introduce you to the Virto Kanban Board App for MS Teams and guide you on how to use it effectively within the Microsoft Teams environment.

Shift Your Company to a Product Mindset (Webinar Video Included)

For many businesses selling SaaS software and other modern tech solutions, the product mindset is built right into the corporate culture. But companies in older industries, such as bricks-and-mortar retail stores, have yet to embrace the product mindset – or, in many cases, even the product management role in general.

Digital Transformation Case Study: Challenges, Solutions, and Success Story

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Mumbai, Mr. Murthy ascended to the prestigious role of CEO at the venerable XYZ Bank. As an ardent visionary, Mr. Murthy keenly grasped the urgency of digital transformation to secure the bank's standing in the swift currents of modern finance. Filled with excitement and determination, he embarked on a compelling journey to lead the bank into the digital age. ‍

Millenials, Gen Z, Gen X. What are Their Attitude Differences in the Workforce

There are three main generations in the workforce today: millennials, Gen Xers, and Gen Zers. Each generation has a unique attitude that can impact team performance. If you want your business to thrive in today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to understand how these different attitudes can work together. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different attitudes of each generation and strategies for combining them in the workplace.

Product management vs. project management: A comparison of roles and responsibilities

Managing change, creating common vision, and reaching desired outcomes are the three most vital priorities for anyone responsible for leading teams. In many agencies, this includes project managers, product managers, or both. While the names and day-to-day tasks of project managers and product managers may be similar, it’s worth understanding the significant differences between the roles. At a basic level, it’s as simple as it sounds.