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We all know the famous saying: “What gets measured gets managed.” But resources are finite, so you can only monitor KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) for some things in your business. You need to choose what gets measured and what gets managed wisely. This article will argue that employee satisfaction is one of the most critical metrics. And that any business looking to grow and satisfy its customers should be measuring it as a priority.
Is your team meeting deadlines, achieving business goals, and delivering the results you expect? With an employee performance tracking system, you can easily measure these outcomes and spot trends in your team’s activity. However, not all tracking systems are created equal. Some require much more manual oversight than others. Others employ check-ins too infrequently to support efficient change or allow for substantial improvements. So, which solution is right for your team?
Professional Services Automation (PSA) software enables your business to easily and accurately log time, plan client projects, and provide continuous client support. With a QuickBooks integration, you can sync data from the PSA tool easily. For example, you can generate invoices from time logged within your PSA tool, then send over those invoices right to your QuickBooks account. This way, information is easily synced between systems and your business can be paid accurately and on-time.