Integrations galore
Here are the newest integrations from Zendesk to help your agents provide great customer experiences.
Here are the newest integrations from Zendesk to help your agents provide great customer experiences.
Any type of career a person chooses will require developing a relevant skill set. Sometimes it’s largely a matter of gaining a pertinent body of knowledge—doctors need to learn as much about the health and medical fields as possible, for instance. People who choose to work in customer-facing roles have to learn a set of skills that are as much about honing personality traits as learning facts. Working with customers can be immensely rewarding for people who enjoy helping others.
When someone tells you they spent hours on the phone with customer service, it’s usually a horror story. We all know the tropes of the genre—torturously long waits, endless transfers, inescapable hold music... But at Zendesk, some of our support agents take pride in their longest customer calls.
As of October 15, 2020, Mattermost Extended Support Release (ESR) version 5.19 is no longer supported. If any of your servers are not on ESR 5.25 or later, upgrading immediately is required. With our simple upgrade steps, it takes only a few minutes. Extended Support Releases are releases that will receive backports for high severity or high-impact security fixes for the length of their lifecycle.
Each of us has exactly the same amount of hours in a day, making time a resource in which we all are truly equal (not like money or talent, for example). Yet some teams are able to achieve notably more with the time we have – mostly thanks to careful and smart planning of our most valuable resource. With the updated Planner, planning and allocating your team’s time is easier than ever. See for yourself!
This article is all about knowledge bases, what they are, and what you can learn from the best ones. By the end of the article, you will know what the best knowledge base examples are, what makes them great, and how to get started. Let’s dive in.
Rocket.Chat Mobile App 4.11 will be launched next week with many exciting new features, improvements, bug fixes, and user experience development efforts. Here is an overview of what you can expect 🙂
In the past six months, the world—and work—has changed dramatically. Priorities have shifted, teams that once sat together everyday are distributed, and ways of operating are different. As an organization, how do you maintain alignment between people and teams in this new environment? How do you sustain clarity about what your goals are and how to achieve them? Objectives and key results (OKRs) are one way of creating clarity in an organization.
High performing customer experience teams are more than twice as likely as underperforming teams to be taking an omnichannel approach, according to Zendesk’s Customer Experience Trends Report, 2020. Yet Zendesk findings also revealed that only 35 percent of Benchmark companies have an omnichannel strategy in place. This gap represents a sweet spot where businesses can rise above their competition and differentiate on the basis of customer experience.
The sheer volume of information being created on a daily basis by the average business is staggering. In fact, it’s been estimated that more data has been created in the last two years alone than in the entirety of human history leading up to that point.