Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

%term Web 0.14 is HERE!!!

After far too long a wait, 0.14 is here (landing in conjunction with Synapse 0.27.3) and it’s a big one! We’re landing (big breath in): community filters, publicly-joinable communities, E2E stability across multiple tabs, E2E key re-request UX, granular settings, performance and memory footprint refactors, a new ‘Status’ theme and a whole bunch of languages! *phew*

New Pipedrive integration - spend less time digging into your KPIs and more time selling!

In a busy sales team it’s almost impossible for everyone to know how the team is doing at any given moment and how individuals are contributing towards goals. Yet sharing up-to-date performance data with a live TV dashboard can have a huge positive impact on a team’s overall performance.

Customer Story: How Avail focused on KPIs and went from scrappy startup to scale-up

Avail is building a community of responsible landlords and tenants by providing them with education, end-to-end tools, such as tenant screening, and customer service to support them in their rental experience. In this guest post, Co-founder and CTO Laurence Jankelow talks about how the Avail team went from pulling in different directions to uniting behind key KPIs and how that focus allowed them to scale.