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5 Effective Ways to Improve Agent Productivity with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps businesses meet the digitally-inclined customer on their channel of choice. From ticket deflection to smart automation, the impact of AI on customer service is announcing itself in surprising ways. A customer can now start a conversation over chat, continue it via phone, and pick it up later over email within the same conversation thread.

4 ways cloud helps future-proof your teams

Cloud is no longer a differentiator – it’s a strategic requirement for long-term success. So says Forrester’s Benchmark Your Enterprise Cloud Adoption report, and so say our customers, 90 percent of whom choose our cloud products over hosting Server or Data Center versions on-premise (on-prem). Ten years ago, moving to the cloud was about staying ahead of the curve – no longer.

Conversational AI: Focus on user experience

Conversational AI technology is going to be transformational as the possibilities seem to be growing with the spurt in the reach of digital devices, soon augmented with AI-enabled conversational interfaces. From fetching data to answering questions, conversational AI can mimic all that a human agent does but in quicker time, giving users immediate access to information or providing immediate responses.

4 data points to watch from your project management software

Business is a battle, and the companies that best optimize their resources tend to win. But without a clear look at project-level data, it’s impossible to distribute those resources well. The right project management software shows you how and where your resources are spent. Organizing, executing, and analyzing projects is a lot easier when you can find it all on a single platform.

How AI is Transforming the Way Customer Service Teams Work in the 2020s

AI was once a concept that belonged in the realm of science fiction. There was even a major Hollywood film with that exact two-letter title. It may have been novel then, but as we move into the 2020s, things are very different indeed. Artificial intelligence – a term used to describe a group of technologies – is having an immense impact on everyday life. AI is reshaping processes and activities in a wide range of settings.