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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

What Is Digital Transformation?

The term ’digital transformation‘ is a lot like love. It means different things depending on who you ask. IBM, a long-standing technology leader, offers this mouthful: “us AI, automation, hybrid cloud and other digital technologies to leverage data and drive intelligent workflows, faster and smarter decision-making, and real-time response to market disruptions.” Still kind of nebulous, huh?

5 things C-suite leaders need to understand to optimize hybrid collaboration

Hybrid collaboration is complex. It’s not just about “in the office” or “not in the office” — it’s also about leadership, connection, creativity, and the technology that enables your teams to adapt. Over 77% of companies have adopted a hybrid work model, but how can executive leadership optimize it for their teams? Here’s some of the lessons we’ve learned to help leaders cultivate hybrid collaboration.

Everything you need to know about collaborative meetings

In business, meetings can feel like wasted time more often than not. It’s true that no team gets anywhere without a collaborative spirit and tight lines of communication. But there’s a reason for the saying, “too many cooks spoil the broth.” Trying to engage everyone in everything with no process and structure for doing so can lead to stagnation.

Innovation Matrix: How to Elevate Product Development Within Your Company

In an ever-evolving marketplace, companies have to constantly innovate new products or update existing ones to satisfy customers. A stagnant product line can lead to customers choosing newer or better products from competitors. Ideas drive innovation. But leaders have a tough time sorting through the hundreds of ideas from different concepts, teams, and products. Categorizing and prioritizing these ideas can help teams focus on the innovations with the highest potential for success.

Ready, set, goals: What's New in Asana, July 2022

Great things happen when teams see the value of their work. But often, strategic initiatives are disconnected from day-to-day projects, leaving employees uncertain about their top priorities. According to the 2022 Anatomy of Work Index, nearly 1 in 3 employees can’t see a clear link between their day-to-day efforts and their company’s goals. To fulfill an organization’s mission and be effective, teams must have clarity about their goals and what’s needed to achieve them.

How to Write a Strategic Plan and What it Should Include

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Whether you’re a lumberjack or not, there’s a powerful truth to Lincoln’s wise words. And that’s the importance of planning. Coming up with a solid strategic plan is a crucial aspect of any business. How can you expect to achieve your objectives if you don’t know what you’re aiming for?

Which is a Better Option: TeamSpeak vs Discord?

Are you having trouble deciding between TeamSpeak vs Discord as the best platform? Then this blog is for you since it will help you make an informed selection. The development of games, from the release of the first arcade game in 1972 to the recent launch of cloud games from Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, and Google, is quite impressive. Unless it's a puzzle or a little fun, no gaming company would consider releasing a game without making it compatible with chatting apps or offering in-game chats.

How Can Team Leads Encourage More Voices In Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have undeniably improved workplace communications. With so many remote team communication tools with advanced features like Q&A, breakout rooms, chat, reaction icons, virtual whiteboards, and so on, it has never been easier to ask questions and seek ideas from meeting attendees. But, think back to your virtual meetings this week. How many of them were successful? Are awkward silences the norm in your meetings?

5 ways to keep remote employees engaged via communication

Over the next few years, remote working will become more popular. Numerous businesses and workers are now realizing the benefits of remote working as they have grown accustomed to it. Digital workplaces are a new normal after the outbreak of COVID-19. This significant career change was undertaken by millions of workers throughout the world, and companies also had to adjust accordingly.