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Maximizing your existing tech stack investments with Slack | Frontiers 2022 | Slack

Join Slack’s Sr Product Marketing Manager, Clara Smyth, to learn more about how to maximize your existing tech stack investments – whether they are Microsoft, Salesforce or other tools and technology. Learn how IBM has made Slack their engagement layer to activate their investments (Microsoft O365) and how they created a new digital HQ for all employees with Slack.

Field and question types | 30 Days of Form Demos | Jira Service Management

Check out all the field types available in the new Jira Service Management form builder. Welcome to Day 2 of the Forms for Jira Service Management 30 Days of Demos. Build your first form without even logging in: New to Jira Service Management? Get it for free today: Click here to see all the videos in this series: Subscribe:

Top 6 Cloud-Based Management Platforms for IT Teams

The cloud-based service market was worth more than $270 billion in 2020. In 2022, the numbers have gone up even more. Every business now wants to migrate to the cloud, and for good reasons. Cloud-based management platforms make it easier for any business to scale. At a time when every process is digitized, not opting for a cloud management platform makes very little sense. It’s the single biggest contributing factor to the success of several small businesses.