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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

What's New in Asana | June 2021

Get ready for June’s bright new batch of Asana updates! Desktop app: Minimize distractions and maximize focus and flow. Keep the Asana desktop app open alongside your other favorite apps during the workday. Universal reporting: Build dashboards that give you real-time visibility and actionable insights across all the projects and teams in your organization. Then share them with the rest of your team to keep everyone on the same page.

In-App Messaging Explained (With Examples and Best Practices)

In-app messages are amazing tools you can use to propel sales, onboard a new user, and interact with your users daily. It can diminish the volume of live attention requests your customer service team receives, and make it easier for the sales team to convert new users. In-app messaging is vital for your customer engagement strategy. If you know how to use it, you’ll reach the right user at the right time to address their queries. But, what is in-app messaging?

Troop Messenger | One-to-one & Group Messaging | Audio & Video Calling

Troop Messenger – a comprehensive instant messaging app for businesses-small to giant. Troop Messenger is a user-friendly office chat application compact with contemporary features addressing your business needs and necessities. Upgrade your team communication to the next level. Collaborate on a single screen. Pick the best for your business and experience the difference Troop Messenger works cross-platform on all widely used operating systems i.e. Windows, MacOS, Apple iOS and Android, and Linux.

Who Knew Email Subjects Are So Complicated

Did you know that email subjects, by default, only support 127 characters?! I didn’t, and I ran into a “fun” puzzle of a problem earlier this year when a client of ours noticed a problem with Courier-built emails in Microsoft Outlook. Small rendering issues and bugs like this can give the wrong impression to a recipient of an email. It can make the end user feel the product they are using is poorly planned or not tested.

Asana Focus & Flow Summit featuring Adam Grant

In a distracted world, finding focus and flow is essential. The Focus & Flow Summit brings together today's leading thinkers on mindset, habits, purpose, and productivity. Plus, Asana's Head of Product Marketing demoes Asana's newest product features designed to align your attention with your intention so you can focus on the work that matters.

How Sharpist is using Miro to scale employee well-being

Sharpist is on a mission to create a healthier, more self-aware global workforce. CEO and Co-Founder, Hendrik Schriefer, describes Sharpist as “the first platform of its kind bringing your employees a personalized and effective way to learn and grow.” With a network of over 500 internationally certified business coaches, Sharpist provides digital coaching in the form of video, microlearning, and personalized e-learning modules from MIT and other world-renowned experts.

How to disrupt endless meetings and turn ideas into action

In this panel discussion, learn about three inspiring real-world workshops from employees at Wily, a design sprint agency, and students and staff from Winthrop University. Watch as they share best practices and lessons learned on redesigning experiences for the post-Covid environment and organizational issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.