Rocket.Chat Mobile App 4.12.0: check out what's new!
Release date: November 10th, 2020. You can check the full changelog by clicking here.
The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
Release date: November 10th, 2020. You can check the full changelog by clicking here.
At its core, the concept behind the Four Eyes principle is a simple one — it’s simply a matter of getting two different people to approve some type of action before it can be taken. You’ve no doubt heard the old saying of “two heads are better than one.” This is simply the same concept, applied to the larger world of business.
In the world of AI – chatbots, and virtual assistants are two popular words that are used interchangeably too often even though they mean two different things. Sometimes, you might even hear the term ‘virtual assistant chatbot’ being used in place of a chatbot or a virtual assistant. In this blog, we take a look at the differences between a chatbot, a virtual assistant, and a virtual assistant chatbot, and give you some guidelines on which solution to use, and when.
The idea behind Incident Management is to be ready. Not ready for anything, as that can be an unrealistic expectation, but ready to respond when the unexpected inevitably happens. DevOps teams often create incident playbooks in order to ensure they are as ready as possible to handle situations as they arise. Luckily, there is some amazing documentation on how to do just that from our friends at PagerDuty.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” So begins the classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. It refers to the premise of the story: A time of despair and suffering on one hand, and joy and hope on the other. And it's how we began our story of two B2B customer support departments.