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How to build a best-in-class project intake process

A project intake process is a standardized workflow to help teams capture, prioritize, and follow through on new requests. Learn the components of an effective intake process, and how to build one for your team. Swamped by project requests? Overloaded with last-minute asks? If so, you’re not alone—and we have a solution for you. Enter: the project intake process, a tried-and-true method to prioritize the right work at the right time.

8 examples that define a positive patient experience

Healthcare has transitioned from focusing solely on doctors' proficiency to a patient-centric approach, bringing patients' needs and experiences to the fore. As a result, positive patient experience examples have become integral to the healthcare system. In fact, it is now globally recognized as an independent dimension of healthcare quality, shaping a person's perception of the quality of care they receive.

10 Steps to Create an Effective Performance Improvement Plan

Managers holding these difficult conversations should prepare to point to specific instances. Perhaps the employee is not taking certain responsibilities seriously. Perhaps they consistently miss important deadlines and don’t seem to be making any effort to improve. Whatever the problem, employers may be able to use performance management software to identify a pattern and not just a single occasion. Has the employee already been asked to fix this problem?

9 Tips for Employees to Improve Their Time Efficiency In 2024

In today’s workplaces, time efficiency is becoming an important aspect of productivity, as competing goals and distractions compete for our attention at work. Employees with time efficiency may prioritize their tasks more efficiently, meet deadlines for projects, and complete tasks on schedule. Deadlines that are missed, stress levels that rise, and overall productivity declines are just a few of the major effects of poor time management.

Time Tracking - Meaning, Significance and Benefits in an Organization

“Time is money.” Rightly said, in business, time is costly. The time you spend on your work and the time you misuse move the business revenue meter. Therefore, we must track the time to optimize time utilization and lead to work efficiency. Time tracking is considered the lifeblood of the business. It is the most critical aspect of business, just like payroll or project management.

The transformative role of Generative AI in managing remote teams

The unprecedented rise in remote work presents plenty of opportunities and challenges for organizations. While businesses being tied to physical locations no longer limits the talent pools from which they can draw, enabling effective communication and collaboration across dispersed teams is no simple task. Fortunately, it is a challenge with no end of possible solutions – some of which work better than others.