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Are Your Remote Employees Just Pretending to Work?

There have been a lot of growing pains when it comes to managing a remote workforce during COVID-19. The sudden lack of visibility has made it difficult for some managers to understand how productive employees are while working from home. A staggering 38% of managers in a Harvard Business Review study felt that working remotely makes employees less productive.

Knowledge Base Mistakes (And How to Spot Them)

We’ve been pretty enthusiastic about teaching you how to create a solid knowledge base. Yet knowledge base mistakes are still very common despite our best attempts to crush them into oblivion. This article is here to help you avoid those pesky sandtraps. According to an IDC survey, Fortune 500 companies lose a staggering $31.5bn yearly from knowledge base mistakes alone. Or, in other words, companies lose money from their inability to effectively share knowledge.

What is Flextime? Types, Benefits, and Best Practices

Flextime is a work arrangement that lets employees manage their work and personal lives, giving them the liberty to make their own work schedule. Companies adopt flextime systems due to their convenience, low maintenance, and ease of management. They’ve become quite popular during the pandemic-induced lockdowns — when companies had to shift to more flexible remote work. In this article, we’ll talk about flex time and its five types.

GitLab Time Tracking Guide (Limitations, 7 Alternatives)

GitLab is a DevOps platform that helps developers manage the software development process, from the planning stage straight through to the release. The GitLab app also offers a time tracking feature that allows you to track estimates and time spent on epics and merge requests within the app itself. But is GitLab time tracking the answer to all your time management needs? In this article, we will explain how to use the time tracking feature in GitLab and discuss its limitations.

The human factor in IT security compromise and its mitigation

Look at the following statistics on insider threats. There are over 2,500 internal security breaches in the US every single day. The impact of insider threats affects more than 34% of businesses globally. Within the last 2 years, the increase in such incidents has gone up by 47%. The cost to businesses surpassed $2.7 million in 2020. Yet, employees are not the only threat when it comes to cybersecurity. Lax systems within the organization have a big role to play.

Agile Development - Making it easy one step at a time

Have you ever come across the phrase "it is all in the smaller steps that add up to the bigger things?" Well, the same ideology can be applied to Agile Development. Rather than having a project go on for years, why not break it down into smaller releases, or "sprints"? In a sprint, projects are broken down into chunks of work or iterations, which can be worked on for short, repeatable phases or working cycles Here's how agile development is going to help you improve your business agility.

What Is A Business Advisor?

Do you possess valuable insights from your experience leading teams and running operations? You can use these to inspire and motivate leaders - with less experience - as they embark on growing their businesses. A business advisor can play a pivotal role in positively impacting the trajectory of a business by using their experience to provide informed opinions and offer advice.