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How to Run the Perfect Virtual Meeting

Remote teams are not new. However, they have been in the minority in most industries until recently. But due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has become the norm for millions of people across the United States and all over the world. This new status quo looks to continue for the foreseeable future. Remote working has its benefits, but also comes with a unique set of challenges. In particular, working from home can be isolating, and people can struggle with productivity.

Google Meet Vs Webex vs Zoom : Important Features to Compare and Consider

Let’s get straight to the point - Why did you click open an article that compares Google Meet, Zoom, and Webex Meeting? You, most probably, want to know which one, out of these three, will be the perfect buy for your business. Or perhaps you have questions about their features, pros and cons, and pricing. In this article, we’ll answer the question everyone is asking in the 2020 pandemic - What’s the best online conferencing software to use for both personal and business use?

How Working Remote May Have Helped Twitter's Hackers

The takeover of high profile Twitter profiles last month on July 15 made headlines when public figures like former President Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk began announcing that they wanted to “give back” to the community. But instead of making a donation to a COVID-related charity or something similar, they were promising that if people would send them Bitcoin, then they would return twice as much as they were given.

A vision for every Element in the NHS Matrix

The NHSX and National Commercial and Procurement Hub has announced its Clinical Communications Procurement Framework. The initiative is aimed at helping NHS trusts phase out pagers and reduce reliance on email by the end of 2021, by adopting modern communication tools. To be included on the Framework, technologies needed to be able to demonstrate that they save time for individuals and teams, support patient transfers of care, and are scalable across the NHS.

Rocket.Chat is now ISO 27001 certified!

We are excited to share great news with you: Rocket.Chat has obtained the ISO 27001 certification! As part of our ongoing efforts to always strive for excellence in everything we do, this is a testament to our commitment to security for all our users. Read more about what this means for you and what we are up to next.

How lecturer Ayman Jawhar keeps MBA students engaged in the virtual classroom

In February of 2020 the world-renowned INSEAD business school introduced its first course in product management, designed and taught by professor Manuel Sosa and lecturer Ayman Jawhar. Unfortunately, the severity of COVID-19 became apparent shortly after the course began. Like countless universities around the world, INSEAD’s Singapore campus shut down and the new class – and its 45 students – were forced to go completely virtual.

Three tips to ensure successful adoption of Asana

A year ago, the leadership team at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, a graduate school and seminary in the heart of Seattle, decided to implement Asana for our administrative teams. One of our strategic goals that year was to build effective systems and structures to support dynamic collaboration. We had been through some significant transitions and were preparing for growth in the pivotal areas of digital products and online programs.

Filling the Gaps in Office 365 and Microsoft Teams with Information Management

At this point, remote work isn’t just a common part of our lives. It’s essentially a ubiquitous one, thanks to the impact of the unexpected and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Even businesses that hadn’t embraced telecommuting in the past were forced to confront this tech-driven future sooner than expected, which has led them to turn to a wide variety of different solutions in an attempt to meet their needs.