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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Streamlined solutions: The 6 best PSA software tools for MSPs

Ask any managed service provider (MSP) about their biggest challenge, and they will likely tell you that it’s maintaining efficient workflow and streamlined project management processes. Balancing customer requests and managing multiple projects can quickly become overwhelming, especially without the right tools in place. That’s where professional services automation (PSA) software comes into play.

Understanding and Fixing the Skills Gap Between Remote Work and In-presence Work. Are the Skill Sets the Same?

Remote work, that little accommodation everyone is after right now and for a good reason, is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, companies are more than ever exploring remote work options due to the financial, environmental, and health benefits of remote work. Remote work is here to stay, and remote workers need the right skills to succeed. But, what makes a remote worker successful? Is it the ability to work independently? Being able to stay organized and on task? Or is it something else entirely?

10 ways to measure employee productivity (pros & cons of each)

With a system for measuring productivity levels, you can see which employees positively impact your bottom line the most and use their methods to level up the rest of your team. That said, choosing the right productivity metrics and implementing tracking systems are often the biggest roadblocks. Should you focus on quality or quantity? Do you need productivity software, or can you measure manually?

12 Best Project Planning Tools To Try In 2023

Every project manager wants to use robust project planning tools. After all, the mere thought of using a productivity-enhancing tool can put you into hustle mode, right? However, only 35% of project managers are somewhat satisfied with the current level of PM maturity. To add a layer of clarity to your decision-making, here are the 12 best project planning tools that can add value to your project management style and process.

Mastering Operational Efficiency: Insights, Strategies, and the Journey Behind 'Come Up for Air'

Dive into an enlightening conversation with Liam Martin as he hosts Nicholas Sonnenberg, an expert on business efficiency and productivity. Nicholas delves deep into the intricacies of his recently released book, "Come Up for Air," shedding light on the nuances of writing and the art of book promotion. The duo explores the crucial role of operational efficiency, the significance of process documentation, and how modern communication tools are reshaping businesses. Moreover, Nicholas emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and organization, generously sharing wisdom from his rich experience. Gain valuable insights as he introduces the CPR (Communicate, Plan, Resource) Framework, a transformative model for achieving peak efficiency.

Asynchronous Work: The Future of Workplace

Haven’t you wondered how for years we have been establishing successful synchronous communication through social media, but when it comes to working, even though agendas are tightly scheduled sometimes we struggle? Asynchronous work seems to be Willie Wonka’s golden ticket for the future of communication, and we are telling you everything about it! The concept of async work is becoming more and more popular in the business world. But what is it, and why should you care?

13 best clock-in clock-out systems (manual & automated)

No matter where your team works, tracking employee time is crucial for managing costs and planning projects. If you’re exploring a new work model or growing your team, it’s worth rethinking your time tracking system or implementing one for the first time. But if you’ve tested time clock systems before, you may have discovered a few disadvantages, such as: So, what’s the most reliable method for your business structure and work model?

What is professional services automation? Here's what to know

Successful project management and service delivery require efficient coordination of resources and processes. But let's be real here: Coordinating a complex web of tasks across different teams and departments can be overwhelming. Between staffing, budgeting, resource utilization, and billing, you can spend more time on administrative tasks than actually serving your customers. This can seriously hurt your bottom line and damage your reputation. But don't worry.

Are You an Underdog in Business? We Want to Hear from You!

In this episode of Rework, host Kimberly Rhodes sits down with 37signals founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson to hear about the company's fondness for underdogs – small businesses that are scrappy, do more with less, and use creativity over big budgets. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you and just might have you on an episode of Rework to share your story. Plus, the lucky winner will get one year of Basecamp Pro Unlimited on us!

Unlocking efficiency: Proven tips for professional services billing

Accurate, streamlined billing processes are absolutely essential for professional service providers. It’s how your business generates revenue, tracks payments, and maintains cash flow. But too often, businesses rely on manual processes that are time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to keep up with, risking unbilled hours, frustrated clients, and decreased profit margins.