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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Introducing proofs, the new feature that lets you take control of the client review process

Nothing can slow down the work you do for clients more than the approval process. Whether you’re going back and forth between various iterations because feedback was unclear, or chasing down a client to get final sign-off, it can be a huge time waste that often results in missed deadlines or less-than-stellar work. Enter proofs, the latest (and most requested!) feature we’re excited to roll out at Teamwork.

Dan Schawbel on the Evolving Employment Landscape

Join Dan Schawbel on the Future Workforce podcast as he unpacks the rising trend of businesses ending remote work and its unexpected consequences. Discover how this shift forces top performers to quit, increasing competition for remote roles. Dan dives deep into these complex dynamics, offering profound insights that challenge traditional notions of work. Tune in to explore the evolving employment landscape in our increasingly digital world.

Work, Worth, and Side Hustles: Understanding Today's Economic Pressure with Dan Schawbel

Dive into Dan Schawbel's enlightening discourse on the rising dissatisfaction around work, focusing on aspects like fairness and the surge in remote work. Explore how money, and particularly compensation, magnifies these concerns. Uncover the startling fact that over half of employees maintain at least one side gig to combat the financial pressures of inflation and the escalating housing market. Join us on this insightful journey that spotlights the intricate links between work, income, and life satisfaction in today's complex economic climate.

The Future Workforce with Dan Schawbel - Safeguards, Skillsets, and the New Job Landscape

Join Dan Schawbel in "The Future Workforce," as he unpacks AI's potential and pitfalls. We delve into the necessity of a safety net and targeted training in the age of automation, inviting economists to weigh in on the most vulnerable occupations. Dan also proactively explores the emergence of new jobs and the subsequent training required. Discover strategies to navigate and succeed in a future labor market reshaped by technology.

Exploring the Future of Work: Remote Vs Hybrid, the Impact of AI, and more with Dan Schawbel

Join Liam Martin, host of the Future Workforce podcast, in a thought-provoking conversation with Dan Schawbel as they dive into the dynamic landscape of work. In this episode, they cover a wide range of topics, providing valuable insights and perspectives on the future of work.

6 best project management apps for mobile

Not a fan of meetings? You aren’t the only one. Lencioni is right: In many cases, meetings are both boring and unnecessary — a double whammy. They don’t necessarily help your agency accomplish its goals and drive growth. That’s why we recommend replacing all of your meetings (okay, maybe not all, but most of them) with a project management app instead. A smooth project management system helps your agency work efficiently and effectively.

The Best Agile Project Management Tools To Use In 2023 & Beyond

You and your team need great software to manage your work. But great project management software needs to keep up not only with your team but also with market changes. Over the past five years, a new method of project management, called Agile, has responded to the demand for a more adaptive and evolutionary project management process. It does little good to adopt the Agile method while still using software that bogs down or complicates your projects.

New in Basecamp: 24-hour Time Clock

Now in Basecamp, you have the option to change your time preferences. You can choose to see your time with the 12-hour settings (AM/PM) or the 24-hour time clock. Now adding events to the calendar, scheduling a message to post later, and even seeing time stamps on chats in the campfire are easy to read, no matter where in the world you live. Got a feature request? Email and we'll consider it.

How Pro-activity Can Revolutionize Your Business: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving business world, reacting to changes is not enough; you must stay ahead of the game. That’s where proactivity comes in—being proactive means anticipating potential problems, identifying opportunities, and taking steps to address them before they become major issues. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of proactivity in business and provide practical tips on how you can implement a proactive approach to ensure the success of your business.

Building a project management communication plan: What is it and why you need one

As a project manager, you’re constantly juggling responsibilities like keeping team members focused, creating achievable schedules, task management, project deadlines, and wayward stakeholders, not to mention the overall project management communication plan. Take a breath. It's a challenging role in any organization. Have you ever wondered what sets successful project managers apart from the rest? Are the best just really good at convincing team members to meet project deadlines?