Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Your In-depth Guide to Email Notification Services

Building an email notification system often starts with an “and when this happens, we’ll send an email.” Before you know it, you discover this is more complicated than you initially thought. It’s not your core competency, and you can’t afford to divert engineering time toward email notifications right now. You’re starting to look at a slimmed-down version of what you really want.

Facilitating remotely? Try these workshop ideas to keep the whole team hooked

Workshops are serious business — they tackle meaty material and move at a brisk pace, so it’s key to keep your team dialed in and following along. That was challenging enough for in-person workshops. For remote workshops, it can feel herculean. But great news — here are some creative ideas, tips, and techniques for grabbing and keeping your team’s attention from afar. Contributing Writer at Miro John Cockrell covers topics for Miro on all things remote collaboration.

The Complete Guide to Defining Customer Service Goals for your Business

Whether your marketing goals are lofty and far-reaching or finite and quick to achieve, the most important element they provide is opportunity and momentum for improvement. Things are now shifting more to the online space, particularly due to the past year, where many industries had to pivot from a primarily offline focus into unfamiliar territory online. In response, companies’ approach to customer service has become a quickly evolving landscape, and team members must stay adaptable.

Meet the Simpplr Employee Communications Platform - Demo

The modern workplace is rapidly evolving, and let’s face it - traditional intranets just weren’t built for today’s remote demand. That’s why we built Simpplr, the modern employee communications solution designed to connect and align the most complex and distributed workforces. Today, employees are often: Here’s how we fix that. In this Simpplr intranet demo, see how we designed a sleek, modern, and easy-to-use platform that top workplaces use to connect and align complex and distributed workforces. We make it Simpplr.

Creative Project Managers: What You Need to Know

At first glance, project management in a creative environment might seem like an oxymoron. After all, shouldn’t we promote the freeflow of ideas without trying to add potentially limiting structure? Creatives are the cornerstone of the world’s innovations — their inability to think outside the box and present dynamic solutions is a benefit to any organization.

Top 10 Employee Accountability Software In 2021

Wondering which is the best employee accountability software for your team? If you’re offering your team a flexible or remote work option following the COVID-19 pandemic, employee accountability is probably one of your main concerns. How will you hold employees accountable for their work when they aren’t physically in the office? While accountability software can certainly help you out, you need to choose the best one for your requirements.

Virtual Assistant China: Top Services, Tips (2021 Guide)

Want to hire a Chinese virtual assistant? From accounting and improving customer experience to data analytics and more — virtual assistants can do a wide variety of tasks. And while the process of hiring them can sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. All you need are clear expectations, job platforms, and a little expertise. So how do you hire a virtual assistant from China? In this article, we’ll cover what a virtual assistant is and how you can hire them.