Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Understanding Customer Retention and 7 Effective Retention Strategies

Customer retention is a crucial part of any business’s operations. You’ve heard it all before – it’s much easier to get an existing customer to buy from you again than it is to win new customers. Your chance of selling to an existing customer is between 60–70%, compared to 5–20% for a new customer. Do you spend time marketing to your current customers and drawing them back into your sales funnel?

What's the Deal With Privacy in Enterprise Applications?

Popular enterprise collaboration platforms help get the work done, but can their data collection policy result in a breach? Here, Wire’s Chief Revenue Officer Rasmus Holst provides a detailed overview of enterprise collaboration applications and the potential risks, along with ways to maintain security and privacy for organizational communication.

Data protection solutions: 5 security features that every company should keep in mind

As companies face challenges to manage secure messaging around the world, data protection solutions are becoming part of the new normal and, more than ever, businesses are mastering the way data can target audiences more precisely and accurately. The problem is that, in 2020, hackers proved they can redirect cyberattacks from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure.

Top 6 Push Notification Services for Developers in 2021

Most people who interact regularly with smartphones and tablets are familiar with what a push notification is. They want their calendar application to post an alert to their mobile or desktop interface, for example, whether or not they have the app open or their screen locked. If they want to change when, how, or if they receive notifications at all, they simply adjust those in the application settings. For app developers, push notifications are a great way to keep users engaged with a product.

HaloITSM Design - Tech Talk with Excalibur Data Systems

HaloITSM is a single, all-inclusive ITSM software solution. It will transform your current ways of working into intuitive, up-to-the-minute workflows, as well as give your teams the ability to deliver the very best service to customers and employees alike. It wont just standardize your processes, but it will also deliver valuable analytics, so you can match your IT delivery to the true needs of your business, present, and future.

Become The Most Productive Person You Can Be - 8 Productivity Lessons From Top Entrepreneurs

Whether you’re testing the waters or already jumped in, one of the best ways to become the most productive business person you can be, is by learning from the experiences of top entrepreneurs.

Try new feature - Display options filter

We continue to improve the features of Monitask for you and in one of the latest updates, we have implemented a new and useful feature – filter display options in the Time entry details report. Now you have 5 additional filters for displaying information in the daily report. Below we will tell you what this filter can be useful for you. If enabled, the table will show data on users who have been previously archived.