Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

5 Steps to Better CHANGE MANAGEMENT for Agencies w/ Rob Sayles

Do you feel like something’s not working in your agency? You’ve got processes that are outdated (or just plain not documented). You’ve got tools that aren’t the right fit or you’re not getting enough out of. Even though you feel the need for change, it terrifies you. If so, you’re not alone, I was at an agency-focused conference in Denver just a few weeks back, and several agency owners I spoke with said that they knew they needed to make a change with a major software platform that helps run their agency, but they were scared to make the switch.

Change management in IT: What is it and how does it work?

As Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "Everything changes and nothing remains still, and you cannot step twice into the same stream." Ironically, change is the only constant — not only in life in general, but also in IT processes. IT teams may need to upgrade their hardware, migrate from on-premise services to the cloud, implement a new security patch, or deal with server breakdowns. How do you handle these changes to ensure minimal to no disruptions to service quality?

The engineer's guide to project management software

As an engineer, you’ve had to master the art of thinking big — and solving small. Engineers have to understand the big picture and see where the ship needs to go. But they also need to build the microscopic parts and pieces of that ship — sometimes while it’s already on the water! It isn’t easy to think big and solve small, but project management software can help you keep both sides of the engineering coin in sharp focus.

My timesheet two ways: Calendar and Sheet view

In an effort to offer multiple ways to easily manage, view, and log time across all projects and tasks, we’re thrilled to share that you now have two ways to view your timesheet. Calendar view and Sheet view will both provide customizable, flexible, and efficient time logging experiences to better match how you choose to log your time.

Stop Selling Implementation Services (& Do This Instead) w/ Max Traylor

Agency clients I talk to often want more strategic consulting from the agencies they hire. At the same time, many agencies feel like the services they’re delivering are often undervalued by the clients they serve. If both of these are true, then why are so many agencies caught in what Pete Caputa calls the “Tactician’s Trap” where it feels like you’re on an endless hamster wheel selling implementation services without being valued for the strategic insights you can provide to your clients.

How architects use project management software (+ 5 top tools)

As a professional in architecture, do you ever feel like you’re spending so much time managing business operations that you don’t have enough time to, you know, architect? It’s frustrating — and frustratingly common. You’re juggling multiple clients and projects (not to mention internal team members and external stakeholders), and someone has to keep everybody focused on the right tasks at the right time.

How to Stop Overservicing Clients w/ Ken Yarmosh

38% of agencies struggle with frequently overservicing clients. Of the 500+ agencies surveyed for the 2023 State of Agency Operations Report, 44% also said that client demands have become tougher to meet. Are you finding clients more demanding? Is overservicing happening more frequently in your agency? If so, 2024 can be different on both fronts.

How 200+ Agencies Invest in Their Own Marketing w/ Pete Caputa & Karl Sakas

What got you here won’t get you there. You’ve probably heard that phrase before. And it probably couldn’t feel more applicable than it does right now as we round out 2023. So, the question is: Are you going to keep doing more of the same? Or do something different in 2024? If you’re in that latter camp, then you’re going to get some encouragement (and hopefully some useful ideas to implement) from today’s guests, Pete Caputa and Karl Sakas.