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Top 10 Best Employee Productivity Tracking Software In 2024

Are you looking for the best employee productivity tracking software in 2024? You are at the right place. In today’s fast-paced, data-driven, and modern working environment, it is essential to know how productive your employees are. That’s where the role of using such software is crucial. Especially, since there is a fine line between what your team does and what it’s expected to do. You need accurate values, for which software for productivity tracking works like a measuring scale.

How to Easily Increase Insurance Agent Productivity

The success of your insurance agency rides on your ability to build a team of high-performing agents. But if you’re finding it difficult to improve or even maintain agent productivity levels, you aren’t alone. Since COVID-19, the insurance sector has faced increased operational demands. You need the right tools and the right strategy to maximize your team’s time and resources.

Top Tips to Undertake Back Office Workforce Management

Back-office workforce management is crucial for maintaining efficiency, productivity, and high service levels. Managing shared services or a global business services unit requires specific, sound strategies, which can make a remarkable difference in employee performance and overall operational success.

How Digital Adoption Boosts Productivity in a Hybrid Workforce Mix

The shift to hybrid work arrangements emanating from digital transformation initiatives, with some employees operating remotely and others from the physical workplace by organizations globally, radically changed how people conduct business. With employees scattered across different locations, it has become increasingly important for organizations to find ways to maintain their productivity levels and efficiency while ensuring that their workforce remains connected.

How To Engage a Disengaged Employee?

Employee engagement is the key to success and growth in a fast-paced work environment. Disengaged employees will hamper the workplace’s productivity, morale, and even the business’s health. Employers or managers should understand what a disengaged employee means, the causes, and how they get re-engaged with different strategies. A new Gallup report called “State of the Global Workplace” says that 85% of employees are either not engaged or actively disengaged at work.

The Spotlight Method: Mindfulness-Inspired Approach to Enhancing Productivity

Discover more about the Spotlight Method and how it draws on the principles of mindfulness to help you reach better focus and productivity at work. Find out how Insightful can help you upgrade this time and productivity management technique for maximum gain.

10 Tips to Enhance Employee Efficiency in the Workplace

With ever-increasing competition in the business world, business organizations are becoming increasingly competitive by the day. Hence, they pay more attention to employee efficiency to complete the required job. The workforce is the backbone of any organization that can change the outlook of the entire firm. Employee efficiency is pivotal in improving productivity, leaving a remarkable effect in the long run. Here are the 10 tips to boost employee efficiency in the workplace.

How to measure employee productivity in the IT industry

Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in the IT industry? It’s no secret that measuring employee productivity is one of the hardest things to do these days. As there are so many variables to keep track of, determining how well an employee is performing can be a very confusing process for most businesses. And when you’re dealing with the IT sector, this can become even more challenging! But don’t worry.

The Top 10 Remote PC Monitoring Software

Since the work-from-home model and hybrid work have become increasingly popular, organizations require tools to control remote employees and their tools. Remote PC monitoring software is one way IT departments can assist employees and ensure compliance while not personally managing their computers. As per research studies, it has been found that 59% of professionals would quit their jobs if they didn’t have the option to work remotely. This is why remote networking softwares is essential.