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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Maximizing Employee Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) is about aligning the human resource policies and practices with the overall business strategy. This approach ensures that the workforce contributes effectively to the company’s goals. It involves planning, developing, and managing HR initiatives that support long-term business objectives.

Getting Started with Kanban - A beginners guide + 5 Expert Tips

Kanban has become a very popular work—or workflow—management tool, especially in the Lean, Agile, and DevOps worlds. It has also found its way into IT Service Management (ITSM) as a way of providing focus and insight into work jobs/tasks and flows, such as ticket queues, planned and unplanned tasks, or projects and improvement activities.

36+ employee retention statistics every HR and manager should know in 2024

Employee retention is a complex issue. There are a multitude of factors at play, and those factors are changing as work is changing. The current employee retention statistics show that HR and managers must rethink retention strategies. Classic approaches aren’t working, but employees respond well to personalized and empathetic leadership. We’ve identified key themes in employee retention statistics that highlight the challenges and help managers make targeted decisions.

Capacity Planning 101: Beginner's Guide

Capacity planning means ensuring that there is enough time, people, and specific roles to execute projects successfully. It’s a high-level process that proactively evaluates these factors over weeks or months. It influences the type and volume of work your team takes on. And it shapes hiring decisions, too. For example, deciding whether you have enough developers with experience coding in C++ to execute a potential four-month project successfully.

10 Free Project Schedule Templates in Nifty, Excel, and Others

Busy, busy, busy! That is exactly how any project manager would describe his or her workday. But while project managers have to juggle multiple tasks and manage complex projects, it doesn’t always have to be so tiring. Using a timeline view, you can easily get a high-level understanding of your entire project, helping you mitigate any challenges, such as an impending deadline or a dependent task that may derail your upcoming schedule.

An enhanced task details experience is coming soon to

We know change can be tricky—especially when you least expect it. That’s why we’re looking ahead to a good change (we promise!) to the platform that’s coming right around the corner. To cut right to the chase, we’ll be replacing the current task details page with an expanded view that includes a handy pop-out panel and a full-page experience.

What is a 2-2-3 work schedule and how to implement it?

Working in shifts is necessary for industries where you need to provide 24/7 to meet customer demands. And as a team manager, you may face difficulties in guiding and managing team productivity. Fortunately, a 2-2-3 work schedule can help you and your team work smoothly and manage their work-life balance. In this article, we’ll discuss the 2-2-3 work schedule and its variations. We’ll also share a few tips that’ll help you manage your team while following the 2-2-3 work schedule.

How to measure employee productivity in the IT industry

Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in the IT industry? It’s no secret that measuring employee productivity is one of the hardest things to do these days. As there are so many variables to keep track of, determining how well an employee is performing can be a very confusing process for most businesses. And when you’re dealing with the IT sector, this can become even more challenging! But don’t worry.

How to Organize Notes Effectively: 10 Strategies

Before we discuss how to organize notes, let’s hear from Richard Branson, the successful entrepreneur who heads a global business empire. He once said that he made a note of everything that occurred to him each day. Clearly, it is an important skill—but after that, knowing how to organize your notes can make all the difference. Utilizing digital notes can be a practical and efficient method for staying organized.