Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

May 2024

New in Basecamp: Easier Edits

We're making Basecamp better! It's now easier to make quick edits. Before, editing titles or renaming tools in a Basecamp project took multiple steps, taking you to a different page, and then back again. We made it easier! Now, you can rename projects, tools, documents, messages and more without ever leaving the page. Simply click and make your changes.

New in HEY! Improved Email Threads

We just revamped an essential part of HEY — working with long email threads. Before, clicking one entry expanded all of them, which was disorienting. Now you can take a peek into individual messages in a thread, and the rest stay in place. HEY now reliably detects previous replies and tucks them away until you need them. Previous content will be collapsed, making reading and replying easier.