
London, England
  |  By Audrey Quiteves
Everyone wants to achieve something either in the next 10 years or in the next 6 months. You may be looking to check off something in a matter of weeks or strive to accomplish a decade-long plan. Whether personal or professional, short-term and long-term goals provide direction and purpose to our actions. Similarly, corporations and nonprofits rely on these goals to steer their efforts and define their success.
  |  By Jielynne Barao
We’ve all heard of nepotism, aka the act of favoring family members in the workplace. But what about cronyism? It’s the ‘insidious’ cousin that thrives within the organization itself. Cryonism is not about blood ties, but about the web of personal connections that trumps qualifications and merits. In this article, we will peel back the layers of cronyism, from its damaging effects to ways to prevent it, and some cronyism examples for better understanding.
  |  By Jielynne Barao
Every business understands the importance of staying on track in any endeavor — may it be creating a new IT system or launching a new product. To ensure that such projects deliver the intended results, having a steering committee is a good solution. Usually comprised of key stakeholders and experts, this committee acts as a guiding hand in project management and risk mitigation.
  |  By Jean Olaje
Businesses thrive and succeed because they know how to utilize collaboration. There are situations where a project or a task requires a specialized skill or expertise beyond the in-house team. This is where independent contractors come in very helpful. To ensure a smooth and fruitful working relationship with this third-party provider, a well-drafted contractor agreement is crucial. This guide dives into the essential aspects of contractor agreements, exploring their benefits and components.
  |  By Audrey Quiteves
Beyond the presentation of financial reports and performance, annual general meetings serve as vital pillars of corporate governance. They serve as a forum where shareholders and stakeholders convene for discussions, dialogues, and decisions crucial to the organisation’s trajectory.
  |  By Jean Olaje
Meetings can be powerful tools for productivity, but poorly run ones can dampen energy and damage team morale. Save your team from frustrations by running targeted discussions with well-structured agendas. Define clear objectives, realistic deadlines, and task ownership to enhance engagement and cultivate a more dynamic collaborative environment. Are you using the right meeting format to achieve your goals?
  |  By Jielynne Barao
As many companies are adopting a combination of on-site and remote work, the way meetings are conducted is also changing. Today, hybrid meetings are becoming much the norm amongst workplaces — sometimes referred to as the “new normal”. Regardless of location, teams can now seamlessly collaborate, and keep track of progress and tasks without the need to travel. Learn more about how this meeting format works, as well as hybrid meeting tips and practices to take into account.
  |  By Jielynne Barao
As custodians of organizational order, a board administrator is typically accountable for supporting the management of board governance, policies, and procedures. They essentially provide administrative support to the board — may it be scheduling meetings or preparing board documents. In this guide, we’ll explore the duties and responsibilities of an administrator, and the skills and knowledge one should possess.
  |  By Jielynne Barao
Cloud hosting is becoming the norm due to its efficiency, accessibility, flexibility, and scalability. Not only that, but it also optimizes IT expenses and encourages collaboration. However, with the rise of digitalization comes a surge of cloud security risks. With such threats, business leaders must be attentive to the cloud security of their businesses.
  |  By Jielynne Barao
Large corporations and small family-run businesses may seem worlds apart. However, they do share a common thread: their destinies hinge on the person atop the hierarchy. Depending on the business’ size and structure, this individual can either be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the owner of a company. A common misconception is that these two hats are similar and interchangeable.
  |  By Convene
Meet Convene, the ultimate Board Management Software trusted worldwide by directors and executives. Explore the full potential of Convene in simplifying board meetings and decision-making, making your workload lighter and decisions smarter. Ready to elevate your board experience? Watch now and explore the possibilities!
  |  By Convene
Meet Convene, the ultimate Board Management Software trusted worldwide by directors and executives. Explore the full potential of Convene in simplifying board meetings and decision-making, making your workload lighter and decisions smarter. Ready to elevate your board experience? Watch now and explore the possibilities!
  |  By Convene
Meet Convene, the most trusted Board Management Software worldwide for administrators. Dive into how Convene streamlines your processes, from seamless meeting preparation to efficient post-meeting workflows. Watch now and explore the possibilities!
  |  By Convene
Watch the ABA Board and Executive Meetings Full Webinar and explore the best practices that will revolutionize your fundamental meeting processes and empower you to tailor these strategies to suit your specific committees.
  |  By Convene
Initiate Live Voting on Resolutions during AGMs. ConveneAGM is the end-to-end eAGM solution designed for organizations to hold engaging virtual or hybrid shareholder meetings in compliance to legislative guidelines and regulations.
  |  By Convene
Instantly connect your Convene board portal with your board's video conferencing platform to hold engaging video calls. Convene Connect integrates your existing video conferencing platform to our award-winning board portal solution, Convene. No need to open another app concurrently when holding virtual board meetings.
  |  By Convene
Easily drag and drop files from the desktop onto the specific agenda items. Add, remove, and rearrange your boards documents and agenda items effortlessly. Convene's Agenda Builder is just one of the features that reduces the time and effort spent by administrators and corporate secretaries in preparing for meetings. About Us: Convene is an award-winning board portal solution with clients from across the world. With over a decade of experience as a board portal provider and over 30 years of experience as a software company, we are dedicated to making meetings effective and run more smoothly.
  |  By Convene
Add private or shared annotations with or without internet access on your device of choice. Once you go online, your work is synced across all devices allowing you to work from anywhere. About us: Azeus Convene is an award-winning Board Portal with clients across the world. With over a decade of experience as a Board Portal and over 30 years of experience as a software company, we are dedicated to making meetings more effective and run smoothly.
  |  By Convene
Digital signature solutions offer efficiency and security in document review and sign-offs. Board directors and executives can conveniently attach their signatures on documents, achieving quicker turnarounds while complying with the organisation’s signature regulations. About us: Azeus Convene is an award-winning Board Portal with clients across the world. With over a decade of experience as a Board Portal and over 30 years of experience as a software company, we are dedicated to making meetings more effective and run smoothly.
  |  By Convene
Use this paper as a guide to see if your organization is in compliance with GDPR regulations.
  |  By Convene
Use this guide to help craft your cybersecurity risk management plan within your organization.
  |  By Convene
Discover the ways to combat and mitigate cybersecurity risks when it comes to data security within the boardroom.

Convene’s full suite of features enables executives to collaborate in real-time and make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.

Next Level Governance:

  • Powerful Meeting and Presentation Tools: Convene’s full suite of features enables executives to collaborate in real-time and make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.
  • Integrated Video Conferencing: Complete the virtual meeting experience by conducting video calls with no additional setup needed.
  • Voting and Resolutions: Expedite approval and decision making with tools such as E-Signature and Review Rooms, all in one integrated secure application.
  • Multi-Platform Capability: Access Convene anytime, anywhere, using your device of choice — may it be iOS, Android, Mac, or Windows.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: Protect data with state-of-the-art security measures, such as Biometric Authentication, Remote Data Wipe and Auto-Purge.
  • Full System Ownership: Have full control of your system and settings, and manage users, groups, roles and permissions.

Make your meeting process digital and efficient.