What is Workforce Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide
Do you know employing an effective workforce optimization (WFO) strategy saved some large and small companies from sinking, enhancing their work productivity?
The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
Do you know employing an effective workforce optimization (WFO) strategy saved some large and small companies from sinking, enhancing their work productivity?
Organizational tools have become essential tools for all types of industries. They are capacitated to become your virtual assistant and sort all the tasks ranging from trivial to critical. The accentuating fact is the quality of your employed organizational tool will determine the efficiency of your organization.
We are excited to introduce Guard Rails, now in open beta for Courier, a feature that allows you to set upper limits on the number of messages sent per time period. Courier business plan customers can configure these limits globally, or per user, or per user per subscription topic. Exclusions for certain subscription topics can also be set up, ensuring essential messages are always delivered.
Creativity can be scary. Team members worry about being judged for an idea that is too out there, or they might be nervous about trying and failing. This temptation to stick with tried-and-true approaches is kryptonite for creative thinking — and it’s not just in your head. In fact, 85% of CEOs believe fear stands in the way of their company’s ability to innovate. But why?