The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
Today’s workers span four generations, each bringing distinctive perspectives on life, work, and everything in between. From Gen Z to Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers, workers’ life stages and professional journeys shape their preferences and priorities—and also influence how they collaborate with one another.
Customers expect quick financial services from their banks as conveniently as possible. A recent Deloitte research points out this trend as banks try to distinguish themselves from their competitors by offering better customer service and enhancing customer experience. Leveraging fintech solutions and digital transformation, many traditional financial organizations are increasingly adopting chat banking, one of the recent addition to the banking industry glossary.
As the world moves towards a more digitalized future, more and more companies are turning to cloud-based software to help them manage their operations. Three such platforms, nTask, Airtable, and Asana, are widely regarded as the best in their respective fields, and it can be challenging to decide which one is best for your business. In this article, we are doing a comparison of nTask vs Airtable vs Asana to help you make an informed decision.
You’re trying to focus on coding, but office chatter keeps disturbing you. You want to reach your teammates, but they don’t respond to their emails. You’re trying to find a piece of information related to your current project, but you don’t know where to start. Do these scenarios sound familiar? We hope not. Developers’ tasks are complex as is. But sometimes, productivity issues can add to their woe.
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Slack is one of the most popular instant messaging tools for organizations of all sizes. Due to its easy interface and features, many clinics and healthcare establishments prefer to use Slack for their everyday communication. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a law that guides how to protect sensitive PHI (patient health information).