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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

4 Ways to Promote Upward Communication Across Remote Teams

Poor communication could be shrinking your paycheck and cost a single company over $60 million annually. Small companies aren’t immune to poor communication woes, either. Communication blunders cost $420,000 per year in companies with 100 employees or fewer. Big or small, poor communication costs companies money. This loss of revenue can certainly impact employee salaries and bonuses.

7 Ways Managers Can Support Employees' Mental Health and Well-Being

As a manager, you will want to do whatever you can to support your employees’ mental health and well-being. After all, employees who feel happy at work are 13% more productive and are much more likely to approach the inevitable obstacles of their job proactively. Individuals who have a good work-life balance are also healthier and will thus require less time off. With their mental health and well-being nourished, employees are much more able to give their best every day.

Why you need to think about internationalization before you start developing software

Starting a new project is exciting. There’s so much to think about — like how to make it scalable, reliable, maintainable, and secure. With so many moving parts to juggle, internationalization — or the process of designing software so it can be translated into many languages — is often not your first priority. Today, Mattermost is shipped in 21 languages. The entire Mattermost project contains more than 64,000 words in 9,500 sentences.

Jira Work Management Monthly Minute: November 2022 | Atlassian

Get the latest Jira Work Management updates in our Monthly Minute. Now you can drag and drop unscheduled tasks into the Calendar view and expand or collapse tasks in the List view. Plus, check out the Jira Work Management Chrome extension. Jira Work Management makes it easy for business teams to collaborate, align, and deliver work, all in one place.

Creating a cohesive employee experience after a merger with strong internal communications

Savvy organizations know that this process starts with keeping the lines of communication open. And this is a two-way street. Oftentimes, communication is a top-down process where employees aren’t comfortable asking questions. However, with the right internal communications and employee experience strategy in place post-merger, companies can create a space where employees feel seen and heard. And this keeps employee burnout at bay, frustrations low, and contributes to a cohesive company culture.

12 best collaboration tools for DevOps teams

DevOps is a mindset, a culture, and a set of techniques that product teams embrace to reduce the software development life cycle, improve collaboration and visibility. It accelerates time to market for new updates while also ensuring the top-notch quality of releases. DevOps involves the combination of software development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops) personnel into cross-functional teams capable of building, running, and monitoring their product releases.

Collaboration made simple: Communicate your ideas anytime, anywhere with Talktrack

It’s not uncommon for knowledge workers today to be confronted by an impenetrable block of back-to-back meetings upon opening their work calendars each day. Our research shows that 40% of today’s knowledge workers say in-person and virtual meetings are the most draining part of their typical work day. In some cases, email and instant messaging have become the default alternative to meetings, but they’re imperfect solutions, scrubbing communication of essential context and tone.