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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Collaboration Tools: The Guide to Implementing and Cutting the Costs

Following the current world events, your company’s financial health is probably consuming your thoughts more than normal. You can be more cost-effective with your employees, time, and assets by collaborating in innovative ways. Many businesses save money by eliminating the need for several communication apps by using an all-in-one collaboration tool. Using a single tool allows you to focus on other integral parts of your organization.

Increase Sales and Conversions with Proactive Live Chat Software

Proactive live chat is a feature of live chat software that allows you to start chatting with visitors even before they initiate a conversation. This can be a great way to engage visitors and provide them with the information they need, while also establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. On a global average, over 70% of consumers have a more favorable view of a company that offers proactive customer service notifications and are more likely to purchase from that company.

Pandemic Paradigm Shift: Employees now spend 36% less time on strategy

Not all work is created equal—especially in our new, more agile work environment. Whether you’re an individual contributor, a manager, or a leader in the C-Suite, your day includes some mix of strategic work, skilled work, and “work about work.” Read this article in French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Swedish, Italian, Polish, or Japanese.

9 Tips for Working Effectively With Developer Portals

The experience developers go through using developer portals is not always perfect. What leads to this? What is the difference between a perfect experience and one that does not work for developers? Sometimes, a poor experience might be a result of an unreliable API. However, most of the time, it is caused by issues with the website developers use to gain access to the APIs. This website is known as the developer portal.

You Need a Product Strategy with John Kodumal

In this month's "Hacking the Engineering Process" meetup, John Kodumal (CTO and Cofounder at LaunchDarkly) discusses his experience and thoughts on developing a reliable and successful product strategy for an efficient engineering team. This talk is recommended for founders, product leaders, and engineers interested in mapping their work up to strategy.

Increase the Efficiency of Your Board Post-Meeting Processes

During board meetings, the directors set goals and strategies and resolve critical issues that need urgent attention. But in reality, optimizing the organization’s performance doesn’t end during board meetings. What happens outside meetings is equally important as what happens during board meetings. Most of the time, directors need time to ponder before coming up with a sound decision. Moreover, their hectic schedule makes it difficult to monitor action items that need to be accomplished.