The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
We know about the “new normal” and “new ways of working” because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For numerous companies, the pandemic shifted the workforce to remote, even if it was temporary. However, more companies are now hiring fully-remote employees even if a large portion of their workforce will return to the office. At the same time, other companies have implemented a hybrid or fully-remote workforce.
We are happy to share that Rocket.Chat 4.2.0 is out. 🚀 This version brings many new features and improvements to give our clients more data control and provide a better omnichannel experience. Let's see what's new with Team Collaboration, Omnichannel, and Marketplace. Please visit the official release notes for the whole list of improvements and bug fixes.
Audio and video features, plus a few simple ways to bring more customers, partners and tools into your digital HQ.