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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Nodemailer and the SaaS Paradox of Choice

Early stage companies are constantly evolving their product to fit the market they operate in. They reach customers to keep them engaged using a high magnitude vector that contributes to their success. Architecting the communications strategy for your product thus becomes an important problem to tackle, which in turn can cause second-order effects like having to trade off the speed of product development iterations.

[Webinar Recap] Trends transforming employee experience and company brand in 2021

As organizations reimagine the future of work and the hybrid workplace, the employee digital experience will emerge as a key component to maintaining company culture. The past year has led companies to create experiences for their employees that are personalized, engaging and built on connections with a source of truth.

Building an Integration? Here's When to Use Apps instead of Plugins

In the last few months, we have been working on a new Apps framework for developers. The idea behind this framework is to make it easier for more developers to integrate external applications or their own applications into Mattermost. But wait a moment, don’t we have Plugins for that? Yes, but Apps provide some advantages to developers over Plugins.

Risk Management Transformation

Risk managers are facing possibly their biggest challenge in these pandemics hit times. Increasing regulatory pressures, complex demand from remote worker management, aligned with previously unseen volumes of data. This perfect storm of circumstances is driven by the complexity and demands of risk management, each with their own unique compliance and regulatory challenges. Across all sectors, radical transformation is required to address increasing internal and external challenges.

How to Set Up a Content Workflow Management System for your Team

For any online business to scale via organic means content marketing and a content workflow management process are crucial for creating growth workflows that every digital business should be starting with. Do we still need to remind ourselves of the value of content creation? Hopefully Not! I believe you create content on a weekly or monthly basis and you know the value of content.

Multi-Company Help Desk Software: What Is It and Its Benefits?

Using separate help desks for each store or brand can be confusing, especially when your customer service agents have to learn how to use the different software systems. One way most business owners are using to overcome this challenge is by using one centralized system to help them efficiently manage their companies’ data without requiring different logins. Multi-company help desks are great for growing companies that need more than just basic customer service software.