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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

What You Should Know about ITSM Service Desk Software

The processes demonstrated by this software promote maximum business values through the efficiency of IT services. ITSM service desk software also helps accomplish daily activities, especially in the information technology sector of the company. Through the help of this software, the IT team effectively manages all the services in their departments.

How to run a Project Kickoff Meeting

How do ideas turn into actions? We often believe when people have brilliant ideas, it is as if a lightning bolt struck them somehow. This romanticized image of innovation couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that innovative ideas come from collaboration, a key factor to manage any project successfully. Think about how Steve Jobs started Apple, now one of the biggest tech companies globally, with Steve Wozniak as a partner. Or, moving away from tech, how two scientists, Dr.

How To Get A Slack Discovery API Token | Discovery API Docs | Slack

This video takes a developer through OAuth and token creation, in order to start using the Discovery APIs. In this video, we will request the chat:write bot scope, and the discovery:write and discovery:read user scopes. Since the bot scopes need to be installed at the workspace level, and the discovery scopes need to be installed at the organization level, we will need to make two separate requests.

Why Zulip will not get on the blockchain bandwagon

This week, Discord teased plans to integrate a crypto asset wallet. After backlash from their user community, Discord clarified that the feature isn’t ready to ship “for now”. With many popular social and chat apps already on the blockchain bandwagon (including Facebook, Telegram, Signal, Twitter and Reddit), some are wondering whether Zulip might be next. The answer is no.

Ghostifications: Messages from the Afterlife

Early stage startups can require building complex notification systems into their product to improve communication with users and increase user engagement, which can be a time consuming and expensive process. Courier offers a fast and cost-effective solution for developers to build notifications into their products. This workshop demonstrates how you can use the API to start sending notifications in seconds, across all channels. Learn how you can get started with sending 10,000 messages per month with the Free Tier.

The Developer's Guide to Building Notification Systems: Scalability and Reliability

Your CTO handed you a project to revamp or build your product’s notification system recently. You realized the complexity of this project around the same time as you discovered that there’s not a lot of information online on how to do it. Companies like LinkedIn, Uber, and Slack have large teams of over 25 employees working just on notifications, but smaller companies like yours don’t have that luxury. So how can you meet the same level of quality with a team of one?

Welcome to Courier

Welcome to Courier. We like put your engineers first, so we have designed a reliable, customizable, and cost-efficient notification system that only takes minutes to integrate into your product. To get started, head over to your Courier app and create your account. The onboarding process will walk you through creating and sending your first notification. You can use the application to build, send, automate, and monitor the status of all of your outbound messages.