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15 Best Team Productivity Apps of 2021 (Features, Pricing, Ratings)

Searching for excellent team productivity apps? Team productivity tools help boost your team’s productivity by streamlining communication and online collaboration. However, they also offer other features like time tracking, note-taking, and project management. So, which productivity app is best for your team? In this article, we’ll cover the 15 best team productivity apps available today.

Ignore Your Customers (and They'll Go Away!)

A playbook for delivering the ultimate customer service experiences The customer experience is the new marketing. That’s what Micah Solomon, best-selling author, customer service industry consultant, and Forbes contributor, asked as he opened a recent webinar based on his new book, Ignore Your Customers (and They’ll Go Away): The Simple Playbook for Delivering the Ultimate Customer Service Experience.

How to run a virtual design thinking workshop in Miro

Since the dawn of time—when humans were still living in caves—we’ve been solving life’s problems through innovation. Back then, we invented fire and hunting spears. Today, we create things like portable toasters and wireless headphone translators to meet our needs. As a product designer, I’ve learned that great design comes down to one important thing: listening. I practice the principles of design thinking to solve problems in a human-centric way.

Courier Live: Content, Notifications, and IoT

On February 2nd and 3rd, Shy Ruparel joined me for another Courier and Contentful crossover stream. This time, we decided to play around with an IoT E-ink display and use it to show the latest posts from Contentful and send notifications using Courier. During Tuesday's Contentful Live we started working with the newly released Adafruit MagTag. The MagTag is a 2.9" grayscale E-Ink display that can show data on its screen even when power is removed.

15 Customer Needs You Should Know About + Tips To Solve Them

Customer needs and expectations are ever changing. Identifying, analyzing, and meeting customer needs is the key to providing better customer service and growing your business. In this blog, we cover the A-Z of customer needs to help you create a product or service that is in line with everything that your customers need. Table of contents (click on a link to directly read the section of your interest)

Program Managers vs. Product Managers: Who's who?

The scene: You’re working on a task when a question comes up. “Ask the PM,” says your co-worker. But which PM are they talking about? Depending on your company or the project, it could refer to the program or the product manager. But what’s the difference between them? However similar the titles might seem — these roles are not universal and can change at each organization.

Here's How Employee Monitoring Software Makes Remote Teams Secure

More than 80% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) view IT security as a top business concern, and 75% of corporate executives rank cybersecurity enhancements as a pressing issue in the year ahead. For many, this means adapting to a long-term remote workforce by empowering employees to be productive and secure from any location. In response to last year’s pandemic, 85% of CISOs reported sacrificing cybersecurity to enable remote work. Now, it’s time to revive those capabilities.

Security Bundle: Get to Know Rocket.Chat's Newest Weapon For Secure Messaging

As companies went fully remote, keeping teams connected has become their top priority. The need for digital communication apps led companies to choose popular tools, like Whatsapp, Slack, MS Teams, and Cloud-based apps. While extremely popular, such tools also offer serious security risks. So how can companies deal with sensitive information in a secure manner?

Top 6 Transactional Email Services for Developers in 2021

If your application sends emails to confirm new accounts, reset user passwords, or handle billing and invoicing, then it’s sending transactional emails. This kind of functionality is extremely common, so naturally there are a lot of vendors that provide these services. But which transactional email API is right for your application?