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How To Improve Project Visibility

Do you know how to improve project visibility? ‍ When you have a clear picture of performance, this enables you to make informed business decisions and move forward in the right direction. After all, knowledge is power. If you can see all the different components of your project workflows, you can quickly identify potential issues and address these with speed. Project visibility is essential to all smooth-running processes. ‍

WhatsApp vs Slack: How Our Team Spotted the Champ

WhatsApp is one of the most famous mobile-first tools. The messenger started out in 2009 as an idea to send notifications to friends. At the moment, 1.5 billion people use WhatsApp for both personal and work-related conversations. The company has recently launched WhatsApp Business – a separate application for small companies. Steady progress in the business communication industry makes WhatsApp a rival for other team chat apps.

How Business Process Outsourcing Can Help Your Business Grow

Business process outsourcing is contracting business processes to a third-party provider. By outsourcing specific business processes to a third-party provider, you can free up time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. The BPO can be a great way to improve efficiency and boost growth. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of BPO and how it can help your business succeed!

4 Major Workplace Communication Styles: Which Is Effective?

Effective Communication is one of the hallmarks of having a successful business. In today's world, with many varying styles and types of Communication, it can be quite hard to distinguish and check which of these are most effective. Oftentimes, businesses don't even know what style of Communication they use in the workplace, as these can grow seemingly unnoticed depending on the culture and the people involved.

What is the future of marketing automation?

A 2019 survey on the state of marketing automation found that 75% of companies were already using some form of marketing automation. Of those respondents, 66% indicated that the tools had been either ‘moderately’ or ‘very’ effective. The same survey looked into the leading marketing automation tools and determined that the top three were social media post scheduling (85%), email marketing (75%), and social media advertising (58%).

9 team building activities your employees won't hate

If there’s one secret to enhancing your team’s productivity and maximizing efficiency, it’s team-building activities. Imagine working in a company where team members barely collaborate, water cooler conversations are a foreign concept, and everyone’s working in isolated silos. You wouldn’t like it, and neither would your business KPIs. In fact, statistics show that workplace isolation can lead to a 21% drop in performance and productivity.

How the best-run agencies use checklists and how to get started yourself

Little known fact: the best run agencies use checklists for everything. As the CEO and co-founder of Teamwork, I talk to hundreds of our agency customers every single month. I also used to run an agency myself, so I can tell you with certainty that when it comes to running a successful business, checklist templates are not only a time-saver, but they're also a game-changer.

Don't Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A: How John Ruhlin's Business Philosophy Will Improve Your Team's Productivity

Are you, like so many other business owners who have been stuck in their mindset, that the best strategy to motivate your employees is to critique their work constantly? That once they’ve finished a project, you should sit down with them and pick it apart? If so, you’re doing yourself and your team a disservice.

5 Best Time Clock Software for Windows & Mac

In this article, we’ll start by discussing how Buddy Punch — our time clock software for Windows & Mac — can help you increase staff accountability and save time on payroll. Then, we’ll list several other options on the market. Note that employers and employees can use our software not just on their computers but also on their mobile and tablet devices.