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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

How to successfully calculate project estimates for your clients

Regardless of how big or small, determining project estimates for costs, resources, and time needed is really hard. The worst part is, it’s hard to know exactly how a project will pan out. Consider all of the unexpected hiccups that often happen like team members falling sick and budgets get slashed. Project estimates can’t just be pulled from the top of your head. They're complex because, well, your projects are often intricate too.

5 Things to Consider in a Return to Work Plan

If you’re planning to re-open your office fully or partially after the pandemic, you need a return to work plan. It might still be unclear when your full workforce can return to the workplace. You have to be prepared for the return of your employees once everything is back to normal. This article will look at what a return to work plan looks like and show you how to prepare one in five easy steps. We’ll also explore why a return to work plan is essential in the first place.

What is a Scrum Board?

Scrum boards are an important aspect for managing technical projects and every responsible technical project manager cares about the process a project takes on. Using a framework that gives you a better image of where you are standing and how far are you from where you should be can help your business grow remarkably. This framework is called a scrum board. This post will answer all your scrum board-related questions and will suggest the best scrum board available for your business.

Why You Should Maintain Timesheets for Salaried Employees

Maintaining timesheets help companies keep track of employee work hours — whether you do it using spreadsheets or time tracking tools. While it’s crucial for employees who work on an hourly basis, using timesheets for salaried employees can be beneficial too. It helps you generate accurate payroll, track time-offs, manage projects, and optimize business processes. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about timesheets for salaried employees.

The Drum Asks Scoro's CEO: Why Do Firms Need a Chief Time Officer?

The Drum recently caught up with Fred Krieger, founder and chief executive of Scoro to discuss the business benefits for firms to hire a chief time officer, and how to fight the weapons of mass distraction that proliferate in many firms. Fred also shared the findings from a recent survey Scoro carried out with its marketing and creative agency customers. He explains: “We asked them to tell us what their operations were like before Scoro, and then what they are like now.