Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Top 10 Strategies to Improve Employee Performance in a Company

Employees are not merely the people working in the organization, but employees are the organization. Assume your brand has a great product and even great marketing, but would you be able to meet the demands without any lending hand? Even if you make the sale, would you have people deliver it physically or virtually? Even if you provide it, would you have someone to follow up and take care of after-sale customer service?

Highlights from Simpplr's Internal Communications Virtual Summit 2024

Thousands of IC pros passionate about elevating employee communication and experience tuned into our first-ever Internal Communications Virtual Summit. And wow, we learned some incredible insights, innovative strategies and forward-thinking best practices from industry experts on topics ranging from harnessing AI for comms to research into the current state of internal communications and lots more in between.

How to streamline processes to make your org more efficient

If you calculated the cost of lost business, customer churn, and wasted employee time from inefficient processes, what would you find? Every time you add new staff or technology to your business, your processes and workflows evolve. I’ve seen first-hand how these micro-changes add steps and complexity to your work — until you’ve inadvertently created a monster of frustrating and expensive inefficiencies.

Comparing Time Champ with Flowace: What's the Difference? #timechamp #flowace

Check out Flowace and Time Champ, the top players in time tracking software in 2024. Features like automated timesheet management and employee monitoring are perfect for addressing potential issues. Compare their features, benefits, honest customer feedback, and pricing to find the best fit for your needs.

The Role of Cloud Services in Supporting Secure Instant Messaging and Collaboration

In today's digital age, secure instant messaging and collaboration are paramount for businesses seeking to maintain efficiency and safeguard sensitive information. The integration of cloud services has been a game-changer in this domain, offering scalable, flexible solutions that meet the growing demands of global teams. This article delves into cloud services' critical role in enhancing communication security and collaboration associated with cloud adoption.

Secure video conferencing for Matrix

The Future of Secure Communications, a study from Forrester Consulting that Element commissioned, shows that 79% of technology leaders at large organisations feel their sanctioned video conferencing tools fall short in adequately supporting secure and reliable partner communications. Likewise, 76% said their sanctioned voice tools were not well suited to secure communication.

Maximizing team efficiency: Strategies for a more productive workplace

In today’s quickly evolving work environment, the concept of team effectiveness is not only a term; rather, it is a vital component of effectively managing a profitable firm. To what extent does it represent something, and how can we separate it from the concept of efficacy? In the realm of group dynamics, effectiveness relates to the attainment of the desired outcome, while efficiency concerns itself with the maximization of output while minimizing resource waste.

Case study: How Kymera Systems Sped up Payment Collection by 75%

Meet Kymera Systems – a company based in Alberta, Canada, specializing in a wide range of custom software development for industrial applications. Their solutions range from easy-to-understand products like billing systems to far more intricate things like custom communication between assembly lines, ERPs, and robots. When it comes to collecting payments for their projects, Kymera has been using Stripe for over four years.

7 Ideas to Use AI in The Service Desk

The integration of artificial intelligence in the service desk has become a game-changer, revolutionizing the way organizations handle customer support and IT Service Management (ITSM). In this sense, AI service desk solutions offer a range of benefits, from improved efficiency and cost savings to enhanced customer satisfaction. So, to help you harness the power of AI in your service desk, in this article we'll discuss practical ideas and strategies to implement the technology effectively.

Top 4 Workforce Optimization Software for 2024

Workforce optimization software plays a crucial role in helping businesses streamline their operations and maximize productivity. With a wide range of options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right software for your organization. In this article, we will explore the top 10 workforce optimization software options for 2024. Each of these software solutions offers unique features and benefits that can enhance your workforce management processes.