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17 Fireable Offenses: Top Reasons to Fire Someone

In the dynamic world of employment, certain actions and behaviors can lead to the termination of an individual’s position. It is crucial for both employees and employers to understand what constitutes a fireable offense in the workplace. This comprehensive guide will explore the top 17 reasons why companies may choose to dismiss employees, ranging from poor performance and attendance issues to more serious violations such as dishonesty, harassment, and safety breaches.

Bosses strongly prefer remote work, yet they are still urging employees to return to the office.

A recent survey conducted by software company Checkr indicates an unexpected development in the remote work debate: 68% of managers, including CEOs, middle managers, and business owners, favor remote work, compared to just 48% of workers. In spite of this, many businesses continue to enforce return-to-office (RTO) policies.

3 Best Online OCR Image to Text Converters

There was a time when people used to manually convert images into text for editing, sharing, or printing. It was a time-consuming and tiring task that left the extracted text with human errors, thus requiring editing, which again takes time. With the invention of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, this tiring task has become the simplest and easiest.

Build a better product roadmap with these 6 templates

Your product roadmap gets everybody on the same page about the vision and direction for your product — from what goals you’re aiming for to what features you’re working on (and what ones you’ll work on next). It’s chock full of valuable information for your internal team members and external stakeholders. But that doesn’t make any difference if people can’t actually understand it. Roadmaps can quickly become unwieldy.

3 Tools for Better Invoicing: Which is Right for Your Team?

Every single company has something in common. For this single aspect, industry is irrelevant. We’re talking about that bottom line. Dollars. Profit. Greenbacks. Bread. Cheddar. However, you want to put it. Every business is in business because they want money. They need it to pay employees, innovate to build better products, provide necessary perks like insurance, and so many more. A major part of all company finance is invoicing.

Launching The New InvGate Service Desk Mobile App

Mobile apps have become indispensable for almost any job. One way or another, employees use them to access their work platforms from anywhere at any time. And that’s the kind of flexibility we aimed to improve with the new InvGate Service Desk mobile app. If your organization offers multi-site support across diverse locations or provides remote IT support, having a mobile help desk is absolutely indispensable for agents to provide consistent help despite the device where they choose to do so.

Achieve More with Less: Unlocking the Power of Agile Results in Your Daily Routine

Dive into the dynamic world of Agile Results—a time management technique tailored for the modern workplace. Learn how to increase the productivity levels at work, improve resource management, and help your team through the ups and downs with proper digital tools.

Start Your Day Strong: Conquer Your Biggest Challenges with the Eat that Frog Technique

Leap into the ’’eat that frog’’ technique and tackle challenging tasks head-on. Uncover roadblocks, tips, and tech tools like task apps and time-tracking software. Discover how Insightful can turn your team into task-conquering champions.

4 steps to create an effective employee onboarding process

An onboarding process is a structured approach to welcome new hires and set them up for success. When done right, onboarding helps new employees learn quickly, grow in their roles, and understand why their work matters. Learn about the benefits of great onboarding and how to achieve them, plus create your own onboarding process with four simple steps.