Dive into our expert insights on boosting employee retention. Learn how recognition, effective management, and a supportive work environment can keep your top talent engaged. Explore practical tips and transform your workforce retention strategy like how remote employee tracking tools can help!
This year, Miro’s community of over 1,600 Miroverse Creators contributed 1,000+ templates, building a library of 3,000+ contributions. Miroverse contributors generously share their expertise through templates, demonstrating proven workflows, frameworks, and activities built in Miro. It’s clear that Creators’ generosity provides inspiration and helps us jump-start our work — but what’s in it for them? What value do Creators get from sharing the ways they work in Miro?
Discover how Insightful, a pioneering PC monitoring and hour tracking software, empowers healthcare organizations to enhance data security and achieve robust HIPAA compliance. Our comprehensive guide illuminates the ways Insightful transforms your approach to cybersecurity, ensuring your patient data is protected against digital threats.
Miro’s recent global innovation survey of over 1,700 leaders and 8,000 information workers revealed that innovation is necessary not only for a company’s competitive success, but also for its very survival. Eighty percent of the leaders surveyed said that innovation — defined as the development and launch of new products and/or services — is important for winning against the competition, and 82% agree that an organization that cannot innovate will fail within five years.
If managed correctly, time is the difference between a profitable or unprofitable agency, a happy or unhappy workforce, and healthy or unhealthy client relationships. It’s safe to say time is the heartbeat of what you do, and what we do at Teamwork.com So to help make logging time as intuitive, quick, and painless as possible, we’ve rolled out 6 improvements with exactly this in mind!
Step into the world of effective team management with our guide on SMART goals. Learn how to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives that transform your team's productivity. Dive into practical tips and leverage Insightful.io to bring precision to your goal-setting process. Elevate your management skills now – read our guide and lead your team to new heights of success!
Looking to improve employee engagement at your organization? The modern intranet has you covered. In this guide, we’ll dive right into covering 10 proven strategies for how you can increase employee engagement with a modern intranet. Then we’ll break down employee engagement and why organizations should make it a priority. Finally, we’ll then look at how modern intranets, like Simpplr, are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with and motivate employees.