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May 2024

6 Productive things to do: Gain More and Lose Less

It’s not always obvious what kills your productivity or even goes beyond that to become a part of toxic productivity. According to a CareerBuilder survey, about 75 percent of employers say that more than two hours of efficient work are lost every day. It may get difficult to strike the balance between creating a collaborative environment and respecting the need for focus. Sometimes, the balance is disrupted so much that it leads employees toward toxic productivity.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Team Leadership

Strong and authentic leadership qualities are valuable in every role and at any stage of employment. Even if you are not yet in a managerial role, you can explore ways to demonstrate your leadership skills inside your firm. Being a team leader is one method to exhibit leadership abilities early in your career.

Pros and Cons of Asynchronous Communication at Work

In today’s workplace, casually strolling over to a coworker’s desk for project discussions is becoming rare. Instead, real-time interactions are being replaced by asynchronous communication methods. Even in the office, colleagues are often occupied and prefer messages through chat platforms. This shift towards asynchronous communication allows remote employees to stay connected without missing critical discussions happening in the office.