Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

July 2024

10 Examples and Channels of Direct Communication at Work

Communication is essential in a productive workplace. It facilitates teamwork, increases engagement, and boosts employee satisfaction. However, effective communication can be challenging. Things can get misunderstood even when speaking the same language. That’s because people use different communication styles. Communication style describes the way we share information. Some people are straightforward, while others rely on subtlety to communicate their thoughts and feelings.

11 Essential Collaboration Skills for Effective Teamwork

There’s no doubt, nothing in today’s work environment is ordinary. It’s a fast-paced, interconnected, and hybrid workplace. That’s why collaboration is the recipe for a successful team. Effective teamwork is the cornerstone of high-performing organizations. It allows them to innovate, adapt, and achieve their goals. But what does it take to build a genuinely collaborative team?