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July 2023

Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.3

With the release of Rocket.Chat SIX and Rocket.Chat 6.2, the last few quarters of the year have been phenomenal. This quarter shows no signs of slowing down — Rocket.Chat 6.3 is now live! From support for a global Matrix network search to the much-requested Outlook Calendar integration, as well as the introduction of the ChatGPT app and a new style for mentions, there is much to delve into.

11 best work chat apps for businesses in 2023

Work chat apps are much more than just communication tools. They are remarkable apps that have helped businesses connect team members spread across countries, departments, and even continents. Studies suggest that teams that communicate effectively are 25% more productive. Using work chat helps manage the remote workforce effectively and streamlines the entire business communication. Read the blog to explore the best work chat apps in 2023 and choose one that aligns with your business requirements.

Top secure messaging apps in 2023

In times marked by technological advancements and an ever-increasing dependence on digital communication, securing private information and conversations has emerged as a crucial concern. According to a social conversational commerce report, 60% of people prefer messaging over phone calls or emails. However, the pervasive cyber threats and the necessity to protect private data have caused secure messaging apps to become more popular.

OZG, Onlinezugangsgesetz, or Online Access Act: Germany's path to digital transformation

OZG (Onlinezugangsgesetz) is the latest example of a European-based law that aims to improve the quality of public services for citizens. The German Online Access Act is yet to be fully implemented, but the implications are far-reaching. European countries often set the trends and standards with their legislation: will there be a spillover effect, and will other countries follow the German lead? This remains to be seen in the following years.