Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

Why You Shouldn't Trust Unencrypted Communication Apps with Your Business Secrets

In today's business world, communication is the lifeblood of any company. Whether it's sharing new product ideas, confidential competitor information, unreleased financial data, or discussing personnel matters, these interactions are vital and involve every employee. To protect such sensitive information, companies often rely on NDAs, confidentiality notes on presentations, or email footers. However, one crucial aspect they frequently overlook is the security of the communication platform itself.

Stand Against Chat Control: Protecting Privacy and Data Security in the EU

As a company committed to ensuring secure and private communications, Wire vehemently opposes the EU Commission's legislative proposal known as "Chat Control." This proposal threatens to establish an unprecedented mass-surveillance apparatus in the European Union, undermining the very foundations of privacy and data security.