Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

May 2020

How to Pick the Right Team Messaging Platform

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that team messaging platforms are widely popular among employees. Data shows that 71% of employees in the tech industry and 62% of the workforce in international companies rely on these tools. They’re simply more efficient than email; you get instant responses, have an easier time staying productive, and can better foster relationships (the foundation of great collaboration).

Slack vs Zoom : Who is Losing the Momentum?

Since the nationwide lockdowns in wake of COVID-19, there haven't been too many stocks that have been spared from the share market massacre. Since February, the broader markets have lost more than a quarter of their value. But for virtual collaboration tools like Zoom and Slack, the scenario is completely opposite. Zoom’s download has skyrocketed. Just take a look at Zoom stock chart and see how COVID-19 changed the game for Zoom video Stock. Zoom video stock has a strong RS line now.