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Communication overload? Here's how threaded messages can help you reclaim your focus.

In an era of remote and hybrid work, keeping your team connected often means relying on a messaging platform. But with so many conversations happening simultaneously, the same channels you rely on to stay in sync can also cause information overload. That’s why threaded messages are one of our most-requested features and one that we’re so excited to finally release in general availability with Mattermost 7.0.

Introducing Voice Calling and Screen Sharing in Channels

Coming from a traditional office environment, the ways of working tend to approximate in-person rituals. As the common adage goes “we want what we can’t have.” When you’re in the office together, the hierarchy of communication usually goes something like this: in-person > video > audio > text. But when you take a team and spread them across the world, a preference for synchronous, in-person conversations can drastically slow down collaboration.

5 Awesome Developer Tools to Make You More Productive

Your productivity as a developer will influence your career for the rest of your life. If you are more productive then you can learn faster, write code more efficiently and unlock new opportunities for you, from salary increases to becoming a tech lead. And to be a successful developer, you must adopt the best developer tools for a variety of use cases, and let them drive your daily workflow.

How Our Culture of High-Impact Openness at Mattermost Drives Results

As an open source organization, openness is part of our DNA here at Mattermost. But that openness is about more than just opening up our source code — it’s a core part of our culture and the way we do business. I’d like to share a bit more about why we’ve adopted this culture of high-impact openness and how we practice it every day across the various communication and collaboration channels that we use.

5 workflow hacks every developer needs

Building better software and products should be the focus of every modern company. But most organizations struggle with challenges that keep their team from doing their best work — from contending with an overload of toil to a lack of cross-team collaboration. How do we ensure our developers are engaged, challenged, and moving forward in their work? We’ll look at 5 key developer workflow hacks to keep your team not just on track, but surging forward.

Ready to build your dream developer team? Here's what you need to know.

Now more than ever businesses run on software. That means that your team — whether you’re a “software company” or not — likely includes software developers. Brand and product experiences are increasingly dependent on software, and delivering delightful, compelling experiences depends on having a talented, engaged technical team.

How to Improve Developer Productivity for Your Organization

Fostering a developer team that is empowered to consistently and quickly produce their best work is a necessary goal for every software team. But the demands on developer teams to produce more code faster than ever — combined with the challenges of remote work — can create an environment that isn’t conducive to developer productivity. Want to improve developer productivity at your organization?

How Remote Work Can Improve Developer Engagement and Retention

While many companies focus on building a better product or application, not enough thought goes into the teams that need to build those products. The frontline developers, designers, coders, and contributors that go into building something innovative and amazing often have needs when it comes to creating an environment where they feel valued. Coordinating a cohesive environment where your team feels valued, heard, and able to collaborate can be difficult, especially in the modern world of remote work.

How to Reduce Developer Tool Fragmentation for a More Productive Workflow

There’s never been quite so many helpful platforms and tools available to help developers ship code faster. But while an army of best-of-breed tools can help solve many of the problems your team faces, they introduce new challenges and complexities of their own. Contending with fragmented tools was the most common challenge cited in our recent survey of developer teams, with 39% of respondents calling it a major productivity challenge.

How to Use Mattermost for Secure Collaboration

When we ask our customers what IT teams appreciate most about Mattermost, security is often at the top of the list. The fine-grained control of Mattermost capabilities and the ownership of their critical data within Mattermost are the two most cited benefits. But ownership of data also implies responsibility, and much of the burden of this responsibility is placed on IT to manually execute.