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13 Best Zoom Alternatives for Virtual Meetings and Webinars in 2022

Users search for virtual meetings and webinars’ tools in the name of Zoom alternatives expecting the same capabilities in the tools they are seeking - that is, the impact of Zoom on worldwide users. In other words, "Zoom" as a brand name has become synonymous with online meetings. If internet stories are to be believed, there was a significant surge in the use of Zoom for remote work, distance education, and online social contacts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to reduce video meeting stress with science

If you work from home, you’ve faced this dilemma: You want to show face during a video meeting to signal engagement with your job, but video meeting stress is the unavoidable consequence when you go on camera. It’s been more than two years since millions started working from home, and by this point, we’re all tired of seeing our own faces.

Zoom Webinar vs Meeting: Which Platform Works Best for Your Virtual Event?

Hybrid and remote working are increasingly becoming prevalent in today’s world. People can stay productive, connected, and engaged from anywhere with video collaboration solutions, thus they have proved themselves to be very efficient. But for most businesses, the dilemma isn’t if they need a video collaboration, but rather what type of video collaboration suits them the best.

The 10 Best Video Calling Apps for Businesses

Video calling apps have become an essential part of everyday life, whether personal or business. Everyone, especially during the pandemic, had a strong desire to know the whereabouts of others, which video calls made possible. While some people were evaluating their relatives, friends, etc., health, others were checking their employees' both health and resources to continue with their regular operations while working remotely.

Increase team engagement and collaboration with video messaging, powered by Vimeo

As a leader or manager of a team, you’ve probably been asking yourself the same question over the past year: How can you inspire your team when you aren’t together? Without the spontaneous, in-person conversations that sprout in an office environment, many distributed and remote team leads have turned to video meetings. But replacing informal catch-ups and quick questions with 30-minute meetings takes up time, costing individuals 157 hours in productivity over the past year.

How to Make Someone Else a Host on Zoom (Guide + FAQs)

When you host tons of Zoom meetings, you might have to exit some meetings suddenly. However, in the absence of a host, other attendees will not be able to perform some essential actions on Zoom. So what can you do? Simple: Make someone else a host! In this article, we’ll explain how to make someone else a host on Zoom. We’ll then look into four frequently asked questions about Zoom meeting hosts.

How to Raise Hand on Zoom (Walkthrough Guide w/ Screenshots)

Speaking up and asking questions during video conferences or webinars can help you draw the host’s attention to resolve any doubts or confusion. That said, it can be quite distracting to interrupt someone when they’re speaking. Fortunately, Zoom has a convenient raise hand feature. It helps you notify speakers about your intention to ask a question through a digital hand gesture that appears in your video — without disturbing the session.

How to Blur Zoom Background (Step-by-Step Guide + FAQs)

As the name suggests, Zoom’s blurred background feature blurs everything in the background during a video call. Whether you want to maintain privacy or hide your messy room, this new feature can be helpful for a number of reasons. Wondering how to blur Zoom background? In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you enable blurred background for your next meeting.

How to Change Name on Zoom Before Meeting (Step-by-Step)

Zoom Meetings – one of the platform’s most popular products – offers powerful audio and video conferencing features that help teams collaborate over virtual meetings. If you use Zoom meetings for both personal and professional meetings, you may need to set different display names for each at times. So, how to change name on Zoom before meeting? Thankfully, Zoom lets an attendee easily change the display names before or during a meeting.

How to Extend Zoom Meeting Time (Step-by-Step Guide + FAQs)

Zoom Meetings is a popular video and audio conferencing software that helps teams and clients from across the globe connect through online meetings. However, a Zoom meeting has a 40 minute time limit in the free plan. Wondering how to extend Zoom meeting time? In this article, we’ll explain some workaround for the time limit in Zoom’s free plan. We’ll then look into eight frequently asked questions about Zoom and explore the best three alternatives to Zoom.