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What's New in Asana | June 2021

Get ready for June’s bright new batch of Asana updates! Desktop app: Minimize distractions and maximize focus and flow. Keep the Asana desktop app open alongside your other favorite apps during the workday. Universal reporting: Build dashboards that give you real-time visibility and actionable insights across all the projects and teams in your organization. Then share them with the rest of your team to keep everyone on the same page.

Asana Focus & Flow Summit featuring Adam Grant

In a distracted world, finding focus and flow is essential. The Focus & Flow Summit brings together today's leading thinkers on mindset, habits, purpose, and productivity. Plus, Asana's Head of Product Marketing demoes Asana's newest product features designed to align your attention with your intention so you can focus on the work that matters.

One year remote: Asanas appreciating each other

Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference. Small acts of kindness have a big impact when our teams are remote and can't be with one another. It's been 1 year of working remotely for us at #teamasana. Hear from some of our Asanas who share their gratitude for teammates who have made a big difference in their day-to-day.