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Working Remotely During Quarantine: How Not to Lose Your Sanity and Restore Faith in Humanity

A major factor contributing to this neverending buildup of anxiety is the fact that many workers all around the world have been sent to work from home by their companies. In some territories where the virus has hit particularly hard, people were simply told to stay home in an act that’s quite aptly named “self-isolation.” So now, here you are - working from home, self-isolated and probably clueless about what’s going to happen next.

How Businesses Are Reacting to the Coronavirus Outbreak. Bitrix24 COVID-19 Survey Results.

With over 6 million organizations signing up with Bitrix24 since the launch in 2012, we have a unique insight into how businesses and the non-profit sector are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week, we ran a short survey in order to understand what effect the coronavirus has had so far, which industries adopted best and what future steps companies are planning.

Sales plan in CRM Analytics

Dear Bitrix24 users, Establishing sales objectives by setting sales targets is a good way to motivate employees, deliver big results and sell more. Bitrix24 CRM Analytics offers a Sales plan to set sales targets for each of your sales agents and track their progress. There are two types of sales targets in Bitrix24: you can enter a number of deals that have to be won for a set period of time or set as a required sales volume, if you prefer the sales target.

How We Switched to Working From Home: Firsthand Experience and Tips From Bitrix

Being a company that makes software helping businesses around the world to run their operations and sales more effectively, we never offer our clients something that we haven’t tried ourselves. That was the case with the recent coronavirus outbreak and the ensuing pandemic threat officially announced by the WHO. Much like other companies and organizations around the world, we decided to switch to working from home (WFH) and did so within just two days.

Surviving the Apocalypse: How to Work From Home Productively During Coronavirus Outbreak

Is it possible to retain the high level of productivity (we hope) you had while working in the office? We say “yes” and if you have already sanitized your hands, scroll down to find out how. What a time to be (still) alive! The deadly coronavirus is sweeping through the planet, stock markets are going sideways, and countries are closing their borders - those post-apocalyptic movies don’t seem so funny now, huh?