Three ways Knowledge Work Automation and AI will change the way we work in 2024

Three ways Knowledge Work Automation and AI will change the way we work in 2024

Feb 12, 2024

According to the M-Files CEO Antti Nivala, knowledge workers spend approximately 41% of their day on tasks that don’t fully utilize their primary skills. With the economic turbulence of 2023 continuing into 2024, effectively managing knowledge work becomes crucial for organizations. Here are my top three predictions for how knowledge work automation and AI will impact the way we work in 2024:

Holistic Approach: Forward-thinking companies will focus on keeping knowledge workers in a state of flow, where creativity and problem-solving thrive. By embracing knowledge work automation, organizations can eliminate information chaos, improve process efficiency, and free up time for value-added tasks. In fact, a 2023 study found that knowledge work automation increased workflow efficiency by 70% and document search by 50%, resulting in a significant financial ROI of 294%1.
Integrations and Data Curation: While maintaining flow is critical, lack of integration between business systems creates silos that even AI struggles to overcome. Properly connecting critical systems will drive productivity, reduce risk, and enhance collaboration. Content accessibility, cleaning, validation, and seamless integration are essential for effective AI utilization.
Client Satisfaction Priority: Sectors relying on knowledge workers will prioritize unleashing their potential to maximize productivity and, in turn, client satisfaction. By leveraging automation and AI, organizations can transform knowledge work, making it more efficient, impactful, and aligned with business goals.
In summary, knowledge work automation and AI hold immense potential to reshape how we work, enhance productivity, and create better customer experiences in 2024 and beyond.