The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
In today's competitive business landscape, the demand for skilled talent often outweighs the supply — and companies are facing an unprecedented challenge to attract and retain top-notch talent. In this quest for the best, businesses are increasingly turning to employee recognition as a strategic tool to stand out from the competition and foster a motivated and engaged workforce.
When technical and operational teams work together in the same physical location, it’s easy for employees to communicate and understand each other because things like body language, facial expressions, tone, and enunciation provide additional context to the words that are being said. Unfortunately, such context clues don’t inherently exist in text-based communication; it’s not uncommon for two different team members to read the same sentence and take away different meanings.
Among numerous communication tools, Discord has established itself as a go-to platform for many communities — especially for gamers and content creators. But as we step into an era where data security holds an insurmountable weightage, the 'one-size-fits-all' approach of Discord doesn’t work. In fact, it emerges as a pressing concern for senior leaders in IT Infrastructure, security, and enterprise governance spheres.
From digital spring cleaning to digital decluttering, let’s tackle the digital hoarding habits that plague most organizations.
The shift of the boardroom setup from physical in the pre-pandemic to remote in the pandemic has accelerated the trends in the digital transformation of the board. The primary focus now of the boardroom directs on data security, remote collaboration, and seamless meetings. Organizations have switched to platforms and tools that enhance their virtual meeting experience and simplify their tasks — one of which is signing documents.
Most people who interact regularly with smartphones and tablets are familiar with what a push notification is. They want their calendar application to post an alert to their mobile or desktop interface, for example, whether or not they have the app open or their screen locked. If they want to change when, how, or if they receive notifications at all, they simply adjust those in the application settings. For app developers, push notifications are a great way to keep users engaged with a product.