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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

7 Healthcare Project Management Challenges & Their Solutions

Project management is important in all industries, but healthcare could benefit the most from a comprehensive strategy. As the healthcare industry continues to suffer from budgetary constraints and a talent drought, a healthcare project manager becomes the light in the dark. However, there are several healthcare project management challenges that stop managers from getting the most out of their projects.

The Wrap-Up: 4 key takeaways from the 'Capacity Management: How To Do Time Tracking Your Team Won't Hate' webinar

Our regular webinar viewers will know we’ve been leaning into the topic of “time” for some time now. We’ve looked at how time impacts everything from an agency’s pricing strategy, to workplace culture, and everything in between. In this month’s webinar, we went back to basics to focus on what is possibly the biggest time-related challenge facing agency leaders today: getting staff to actually track their time in the first place!

How agencies can leverage AI for project management

A decade ago, if you asked an agency owner how they managed their projects, the answer would have been one of two things: a whiteboard with sticky notes, or a complicated Excel spreadsheet. Today, thanks to technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the project management space by offering agencies a more streamlined approach.

Top 9 call center performance management software (2023)

Whether your call center’s North Star metric is its customer satisfaction score (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), or return on investment (ROI), you need a platform that can measure and optimize your efforts. Yet choosing the right solution is more challenging than it might seem.

9 Team Management Software Solutions for Streamlining Your Projects

You can’t achieve any project’s full potential if you don’t have the right team, the right team management software, and the right processes in place! With team management software, you can create a system for every cog in your project machine and engage in real-time collaboration. With the right system in place, everyone understands their roles, their responsibilities, and their deliverables.

Mastering the new normal: Your comprehensive guide to managing a hybrid workforce

Hey there, welcome to the new normal! In our fast-paced, always-connected world, the traditional 9-to-5 office grind is quickly becoming a relic of the past. Enter the hybrid workforce, a dynamic blend of in-office and remote working revolutionizing how we think about work. Now, if you’re thinking, “Okay, that sounds cool… but how do I manage that?” don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Tips to Set Smart Goals in Your Bisiness Plan

Goal setting is an essential part of any business plan. Without specific goals to aim for, it can be not easy to know what you are working towards and how to get there. However, setting goals is only the first step – you also need to make sure that your goals are feasible, and not worthy of Alice in Wonderland. And, this is where SMART goal setting comes in! In this blog post, we will discuss the SMART goal-setting method and how you can use it to achieve your business objectives.

Project financial management: Tips and tricks to increase agency profitability

According to SBO Financial and the rule of thirds, marketing agencies should be hitting around 30% net profit. But, as any agency owner will tell you, hitting this benchmark is harder than you might think. It involves forecasting, keeping a lid on project costs, managing billable hours, translating financial data, and countless other things. Proactive project financial management sets agencies on the right track to protect their bottom lines.