Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.7

As we enter another quarter, our momentum continues to surge forward. In this product roundup, we'll delve into Rocket.Chat's latest features with a spotlight on the enhanced personalization of the live chat widget. We'll navigate through key usability upgrades and notable bug fixes, all tailored to provide a superior and customizable Rocket.Chat experience. Let's explore what's new and improved!

The evolution of work: Embracing remote work in digital agencies

The job landscape is changing significantly, especially in digital firms. It’s not as sudden as some may believe that the trend toward remote work, which gained significant traction in 2020, is happening. According to data from the ONS cited by Quotezone, just 4.7% of UK employees worked from home prior to the pandemic. By 2023, that number had skyrocketed to 44%, with 16% of these workers doing so permanently.

Freelancers Time Management Software | Workstatus

Employee work patterns can be tricky to manage due to inconsistent reporting, difficulties in monitoring off-site work, and the need to balance flexibility with accountability. Enter Workstatus, a solution designed to address these challenges and improve overall efficiency and performance while promoting transparency.

Why sustainability needs to be every business' top priority: An interview with Miro Principal Product Evangelist Bram Jonker

Whether it’s reported in the news or discussed in the boardroom, environmental concerns are top of mind these days — and sustainability is increasingly influencing how companies do business, what projects they’re prioritizing, and how they plan for the future. We spoke with Bram Jonker, Principal Product Evangelist at Miro, to learn how organizations are leveraging innovation to tackle this complex challenge.

From Reactive to Proactive: Strategies for Anticipating and Addressing Customer Needs in Manufacturing

Within global commerce, the manufacturing industry is a foundational pillar driving innovation, growth, and progress. Manufacturing involves the process of transforming raw materials into finished products across industries and geographies. This encompasses diverse and significant complexities to accomplish tasks ranging from automobile production to chemical refinement. Manufacturing supports the global economy by ensuring quality processes lead to the timely delivery of goods and services.

Integrating Miro with Video Chat Apps: Enhance Your Teams Meetings

Revolutionize your online meetings with Miro's seamless integration into video chat applications like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Miro effectively during virtual meetings, making your collaborations more interactive and productive. Ideal for remote teams, educators, and anyone looking to add a dynamic visual element to their video conferences.

The evolution of business software: A detailed look at present problems and future outlook

If you're reading this blog post, regardless of your job title, you’re probably using a ton of SaaS tools to optimize your business operations. In fact, it isn’t an understatement to say that the SaaS model has become somewhat of a cornerstone for many businesses worldwide. According to Gartner, despite significant layoffs in the tech industry over the last year, IT spends are showing no signs of slowing down.

The AI-Enabled Workforce | Atlassian President, Anu Bharadwaj

Whether you call them AI assistants, copilots, or teammates – there’s no shortage of AI features that promise to help individuals work smarter, better, and faster. But at a time when the workplace grows more distributed and the need for better collaboration and connection becomes more crucial, we should instead be thinking about how AI will actually help teams — not just individuals — work better together. After all, no great achievement is accomplished alone.

Predicting business expenses: How to forecast accounts payable

No matter what type of business you run, you can’t do it successfully without having a handle on your cash flow. At least not for very long. One of the troublesome parts of dealing with balance sheets and working capital is that expenses are unpredictable, especially if your organization is in a growth phase. Your day-to-day expenses don’t occur evenly, and even if they did, bills don’t come in or come due at even increments.